PROGRESSIVE _ A term I hear concerning certain political - TopicsExpress


PROGRESSIVE _ A term I hear concerning certain political aspirations. However, it’s true meaning to be labeled on escapes me. Because Progress …..means forward movement towards an end. It is not a continuous never ending journey, it is the benchmark along the way to the desired landing. So….we hear that so and so is a progressive, and that is good for our country to progress. To WHAT??! What are these Progressives progressing to? What is it exactly that they think they can improve, that is not already at its peak realistic performance? I am sure there are some things that CAN be improved upon, but it’s mostly to do with the government, than the people. And I can tell you that the Progressive Politician is NOT on the path of progress in fixing DC. Nope. They ARE the problem. Progress is defined > prog•ress noun \ˈprä-grəs, -ˌgres, US also & British usually ˈprō-ˌgres\ : movement forward or toward a place : the process of improving or developing something over a period of time But – first there must be a goal or destination. Has ANY progressive actually spelled out the destination, or goal? Have they been clear and concise as to what that destination/goal is? Or, do they just pander about talking about the NEED for it, and claim they are doing something by saying it? Progress --- for this Republic …. Does not require a politician who is Progressive, as they say> Progress will begin when - Politicians and Government Employees stop LYING and stepping on citizen’s rights for their own agendas and benefits> It will begin when the VOTER actually truly educates themselves….and stop listening to their “sage” friends so much. Progress will happen when people stop “interpreting” the Constitution to the point where it solely fits their thoughts, instead of WHAT IT REALLY says. Progress will happen ---- when you get your ass off the couch and start doing something yourself….instead of putting yourself at the mercy of someone who knows way less about your needs, than you ever would. When I hear a politician describe themselves as “Progressive”, whether R, D, Cool Moose, T Party, Independent, etc. They have immediately lost any chance of me voting for them for Dog Catcher even. And here is why> The Only Progress a progressive desires to make, is to fatten their wallets, and have power above everyone else, themselves. It has NOTHING to do with a desire to fix any ill in this nation that pertains to the everyday majority citizen. Get a grip. On some books and newspapers. Now actually READ them. Now listen to the Blooter Blat his Progressive Destiny. Unless you are a Socialist and a lazy, self -absorbed do nothing…… you will run as fast as me when they speak.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:11:14 +0000

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