PROGRESSIVES LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD WHERE THE UTOPIA THEY IMAGINE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED for the same reason Communism failed -- Supermen can NOT PERFECT imperfect wo/men by organizing them, re-educating them, indoctrinating them, collectivizing them, and then asking them to work ever harder in order to have the fruits of their labors confiscated from them and redistributed more or less evenly to everyone -- irrespective of how hard or how slothfully everyone worked. It is a form of slavery, tyranny, and the quintessential antithesis of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE UNFETTERED PURSUIT (without the government guarantee of) HAPPINESS. Progressives godless utopian ideals blaspheme God, think far too highly of IMPERFECT and SINFUL WO/MAN as PERFECTABLE under the leadership of IMPERFECT and SINFUL MEN, and think that GOVERNMENTS are their salvation when in Truth GOD, and ONLY GOD, provides salvation. They can NOT rationally or logically explain why wo/men should pay for their own multi-hundred thousand dollar homes, tens of thousands of dollars annually for food, several thousands of dollars or more annually for clothing -- all of which wo/men DIE WITHOUT -- but NOT for health insurance, which people CAN LIVE WITHOUT -- and do. There is a difference between health insurance and health care. Both are purchased; the former often with a deductible pays partially for the latter, but in fact, like homes, food, and clothing, the latter -- health care -- CAN BE PAID FOR OUT OF POCKET AT THE POINT OF SERVICE, just like a $300,000 home, several thousands of dollars worth of clothing, or $20,000 or more annually for food. FACTS: PROGRESSIVES WORST ENEMY! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=2547882896010&set=a.2547876255844.2151853.1221949455&type=3&theater (_)()_(^&^****
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:00:09 +0000

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