PROHIBITION AGAINST POLICE SERVICE AND DEFENCE FORCE UNIFORM. A. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO POLICE SERVICE UNIFORMS POLICE SERVICE ACT NUMBER 7 OF 2006. ( Improper possession of Article supplied to a Police Officer) Section 56. A person who has in his possession any article which has been supplied at the public expense to a police officer, and which the police officer has not been expressly authorised to keep for use in his private benefit, and who does not satisfactorily account for it’s possession commits an offence, and may be and may be arrested without warrant by any police officer and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of ten thousand dollars and imprisonment for two years. (Impersonation of a Police officer or wearing Police uniform) Section 62. Any person other than a police officer, who without the written authority of the Commissioner- (a) puts on or assumes, either in whole or in part, the uniform, name designation or description of a police officer, or a uniform, name or designation, resembling and intended to resemble the uniform, name or designation of a police officer; or (b) in any way pretends to be a police officer for any purpose which not by law be entitled to do of his own authority, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of thirty thousand dollars and to imprisonment for three years. ______________________________________________________________________________ B. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO DEFENCE FORCE UNIFORMS SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT CHAPTER 11:02 (Uniforms not to be worn without authority) 98. (1) A person not serving in the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force shall not wear, without the Minister’s permission, the uniform of any member of that Force, or any dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform: This enactment shall not prevent any person from wearing any uniform or dress in the course of a stage play performed in a place duly licensed or authorised for the public performance of stage plays, or in the course of any bona fide military representation. (2) Any person who contravenes this section is liable to a fine of two hundred dollars. (3) A person not serving in the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force who wears, without the Minister’s permission, the uniform of those Forces, or any dress having the appearance or bearing the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform in such a manner or under such circumstances as to be likely to bring contempt upon that uniform, or employs any other person to wear that uniform or dress, he shall be liable to a fine of four hundred dollars. DEFENCE ACT CHAPTER 14:01 (Unlawful purchase, etc., of military stores.) 208. (1) Any person who acquires any military stores or solicits or procures any person to dispose of any military stores, or acts for any person in the disposing of military stores, is guilty of an offence unless he proves either- (a) That he did not know, and could not be reasonably expected to know, that the chattels in question were military stores; (b) that those chattels had by (by the transactions with he is charged or some earlier transaction) been disposed by order or with the consent of some person or authority who had, or whom he had reasonable cause to believe to have, power to give the order or consent; or (c) that those had become the had become the property of an officer who had retired or ceased to be an officer or other rank, or the personal representatives of a person who had died, and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for three months, or on conviction on indictment to a fine of eight thousand and to imprisonment for two years. (2) A constable or any person authorised by the Chief of Defence Staff may arrest without warrant any person whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting of having committed an offence against this section, and may seize any property which he has reasonable grounds for suspecting of having been the subject of the offence. (3) A person having authority to issue a warrant for the arrest of a person charged with crime may, if satisfied on oath that a person within his jurisdiction has, or is reasonably suspected of having, in his possession any property which has been the subject of an offence against this section, grant a warrant to search for such property as in the case of stolen goods; and any such property suspected of having been the subject of such an offence which is found on such a search shall be seized by the officer charged with the execution of the warrant, and that officer shall bring the person in whose possession or keeping the property is found before a court of summary jurisdiction. (4) In this section- the expression “acquire” means buy, take in exchange, take in pawn or otherwise receive (whether apart from this section the receiving is lawful or not); the expression “dispose” means sell, give in exchange, pledge or otherwise handover (whether apart from this section the handing over is lawful or not); the expression “military stores” means, any chattel of description belonging to the state, which has been issued for use for military purposes or is held in store for the purpose of being so issued when required, and includes any chattel which belonged, and has been issued or held, as mentioned above at any past time. (5) for the purpose of subsection (3) property is deemed to be in the possession of a person if he has it under his control, and whether for his own use or benefit or for the use or benefit of another. (Prohibition of wearing Defence Force uniform, etc.) 219. A person, other than a member of the defence force, who without lawful excuse ( the proof whereof shall lie on him)- (a) wears the uniform or any portion of the uniforms of a member of the Defence Force; or ( b) wears any costume or any article of clothing or apparel so closely resembling the uniform or any portion thereof of a member of the Defence Force, as may cause such person to be mistaken for a member of the Defence Force, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars and to imprisonment to eighteen months.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 16:28:40 +0000

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