PROJECT HALF A MILLION SALAWAT ALAN NNABIYI. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WA RAHMATULAAHI WA BARAKATUHU LOVERS OF RASUL ALLAH( SAAW). Rasul Allah has witnessed Your Efforts... And Allah has also Seen Your Efforts. Again all the Angels of Allah have also Seen and witnessed Your Efforts. Our Beloved Prophet s.a.w once advised us in one of His Hadiths When He said, we should take opportunity of three things before three things. A. Your Health before your Sicknesses, B. Your youthful stage before your Old. C. Your life before your death.. Alhamdulillah, prior to the beginning of this Blessed Month of Rabiul Awwal we took up an AMBITIOUS PROJECT upon ourselves and named it Half a Million Salawat Alan Nnabiyi where we called on All LOVERS OF RASUL ALLAH( SAA W) to take advantage of this Month thereby INTENSIFYING their Salawat unto the Blessed Prophet instead of the old aged adage of engaging in an Unnecessarily Debate among the Ummah that is always characterized when this month appeared. By so doing, not only do we attract the Love of Allah and His Blessed Prophet but also ensure Unity among the Ummah which is the basic recipe to Development. Alhamdulillah, as a team working on this Ambitious Project , the feeling was awesome but at the same time we must also admit that there was a bit of Uncertainty as to how the General Public will respond to this Call. This uncertainty stem from the fact that, it was the first time almost all of us are rolling out such a project especially on Social Media. As the days approached, the uncertainties that the team who were rolling out this project were feeling started fading away because it became Palpable that Allah took Over the affairs of the project Upon Himself and runned it the way He So pleased.. Believe it or not , this assertion we just enumerated is an Unshakable Truth that can be attested by anyone who was following the trend and the development of the project .... People from all walks of Life responded to it in an amazing manner.. Alhamdulillah, we had people from Ghana, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, U.K, U.S.A. but to mention a few..both Old and the youth ,Male and Female who fully participated in it and were just trooping in with their dozens of Salawat they have recited and gave it as Hadiya to Allahs Beloved.( Saaw). Initially, we only Targeted Half a Million Salawat which corresponded to Five Hundred thousand salawat (500,000) But Alhamdulilah we ended up with a figure that doubled our initial Target with an excess of 348,102 excesses.. From 23 rd Dec- 3rd Jan, we were able to Recite 1,348,102 salawats for our beloved prophet s.a.a.w. We the team will therefore like to thank all those who participated in it to make it a is only Allah who shall reward you... We had a tremendous help from different individuals who even though were behind the scene but played a very important role in ensure the success of this project from the administrators of the various whatsap groups who allowed us to use their platform to all those individuals who volunteered and made specific post on their walls to also create the awareness of this project,we say Jazakumu Allahu Khairan. Rasul Allah said, anyone who does not show appreciation to His Fellow Human Beings can Never show appreciation to His LORD,DUE to this we are specifically thanking #Sayyadi_Lawal for Shooting and Editing Our Video for us. We dont have anything to give you But Allah has a lot to give all of you ...We ask Allah Subhanahu wa taaala for the sake of these Salawat we have just done and for the sake of the one we have dedicated the Salawat to, to Bless all of us and grant us the goodness of this world and Hear after. Aammen. This project Insha Allah has come to stay and we shall be updating the general Public on when our next project will be rolled out.. The Owner of the Project in Haqeeqa belongs to Allah and Rasul Allah is its C.E.O and all of us are the tiredless workers who expect nothing but the Love of Allahs Beloved. Any one who is interested in joining us, should please contact the numbers we provided. May Allah accept it for us...Aameeen. Jazakallahu khairan.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 11:27:09 +0000

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But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will
UPDATES:Shadrick MA30 Malambo is back in the team after miss out

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