PROJECTED TRANSFORMATIONS VICE PRESIDENCY • The post for the vice president shall not be contested for .The individual that will take on the second position in the presidential elections shall be the vice president. REASON: This is because he or she holds the second percentage of influence to the student Nurses compared to the winner with the greatest percentage. • The vice President shall be in charge of the M.D.F (Munsa Database File). FINANCE MINISTRY INVESTMENTS One of the strategies of the 2013/2014 cabinet was to transform MUNSA into a complete self-sustaining project oriented association. When you look forward to benefiting from others, they are too looking forward to benefiting from you.• MUNSA is open to any interested investor as long the terms and conditions are met • Student nurses are also welcome to hold legal investments in MUNSA. • The Tent shall be used as a source of income through hiring. PUBLICITY MINISTRY The Publicity minister shall control the initiated media and social accounts. Passwords of the different accounts shall be changed and recorded in the M.D.F with change in Regime. Google drive and the drop box are the new cloud storages for MUNSA data. Both the General Secretary and the publicity minister shall manage them. SPORTS MINISTRY Rewarding successful participants and classes shall accompany sports. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE CONSTITUENTS: THE VICE PRESIDENT DISCIPLINARY COMMISSIONER THE SPEAKER
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:10:09 +0000

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