PROLOGUE. “Lover of GOD AND HIS GLORY, CONVINCED OF YOUR FAITH, committed to his Church, was BUNADER JORGE JOSE, FATHER COPY of a large family, HUSBAND AND FEEL attacks, with ATTITUDES ahead of its time.” These words that are leading the biography of Jose Jorge BUNADER, written by his daughter Maria Regina BUNADER of Ruiz, admirably express what it was this man, who deserves all the respect of his acquaintances and consideration of the Shepherd of the Maronite Church in Argentina, who is the joy of presenting this book that recounts the life of a simple and modest head of a Christian family and bringing together the various events, allegedly prodigious that accompanied his life and continued after his departure to the Father’s house. It’s the life of a Lebanese Maronite faithful, who sought holiness, with integrity, according to the designs of Divine Providence. “The Church of Christ is truly present in all legitimate communities of faithful attached to their pastors. These, in the New Testament, are called … Iglesias They meet the faithful to the Gospel of Christ and celebrates the mystery of the Lord’s Supper … In these communities, although often they are small and poor or live dispersed, this is Christ, who with his power to the Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. ” (Cat. of the Ig. Cat. 832). This text applies perfectly to the Maronite Church, of which George Joseph was an active member. Being a part of the Church of Christ, the Maronite Church, which owes its name to San Brown, a hermit of the fourth century, always acted in its history, an evangelical and spiritual dynamism, and although it has been in the different periods of its existence, a community “small, poor, scattered and persecuted,” continually kept a strict fidelity to the Church of Rome that “presides in charity”. It was always present Christ in the mystery of the Eucharist, on the testimony of its many saints and martyrs, the loyalty of his faithful to the directives of the Supreme Pontiff, especially in the filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin which is stresses in all its hierarchical structure, spiritual and community. ” Holiness, far from being a monopoly of the religious, monks, priests or bishops, is always within reach of all baptized, that not only can be holy, but should always aspire to holiness. Jose Jorge well understood that his vocation as a Christian was a continuous call to holiness, and was dedicated, led by the lights of the Holy Spirit, to practice the Christian virtues in all stages of their life as it appears through this book and as testify to his many acquaintances. All that the reader finds in this biography, has no official endorsement of the Church and has no legal value that can either promote or hinder a day a possible cause for beatification of the protagonist of the book. The purpose of these pages, written with affection for a daughter with a high spirit of responsibility and a deep spirituality of the author, who deserves our full consideration and respect, it serves to build the readers who will find in it a rich spiritual food . The desire of the pastor of the Maronite flock in Argentina, is that all those who read this biography, may feel an incentive to live more generously its fidelity to the Gospel of Christ and succeed in capturing the message of the Holy Spirit, which paves the way up to the Father. Buenos Aires, 31/7/1999. Feast of the 350 martyrs monks, disciples of Saint Maron.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:08:25 +0000

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