PROMISED POEM FOR RUSSELL JONES /// For instance Love - TopicsExpress


PROMISED POEM FOR RUSSELL JONES /// For instance Love Arrives unguarded, without warning wearing gypsy clothes with a blue stone pinned to its soft velvet collar. Touch it. Feel the soft fabric and the hard blue stone under your fingertips. Love always swears that it is enough and despite the fact you ought to know better from grim experience, you like the different textures, the hardness, the soft velvet of it- You are a lover after all. You purr into submission. You have craved this communion secretly at night with the Moreporks hooting outside your window and you lying alone, wondering what message they bring? Its still so obvious and still you go on dreaming. Your heart is punctured in a million places Your heart does not know how it goes on. You heart feels like gravel, it swells so large sometimes you think it could burst. Yet still, foolish child, you go on believing despite the danger signs, despite the roadsigns that says "Narrow Road Ahead. Please Drive Carefully" You still believe in Love. And you would do exactly the same thing with him all over again, though he is dead now, that boy, and though it is his name that the owl calls at night Yet still you can hear hope amongst the soft whoot whoot in the branches, as you are nestled in the loving embrace of Life.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 06:42:40 +0000

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