PROMOTING PUBLIC AWARENESS, NETWORKING AND ACTIVISM Jewish Israel takes a critical look at Israel’s alliances with Fundamentalist Christian groups, and provides a platform for ongoing monitoring and pro-active responses to evangelical missionary campaigns targeting Jews for conversion, Read more JI REPORTS ON THE ISRAEL-CHRISTIAN FRONT Israels Chief Rabbis Reaffirm Halacha Prohibiting Interfaith Worship With throngs of evangelical pilgrims and ministries assembling in Jerusalem to celebrate various Christianized versions of the Jewish Feast of the Tabernacles (Sukkot), Israel’s Chief Rabbinate has issued a statement prohibiting Jews from participating in an ICEJ prayer vigil scheduled to take place at the Southern Wall of Har Habayit. The rabbis and political leaders in the Jewish state are faced with a formidable challenge. Will they be able to take a wise and firm stand on behalf of the Torah, and uphold the integrity – the sanctity - of Eretz Yisrael without totally alienating visitors of other faiths?...more Christian Missionary Joel Rosenberg and Family Make Aliyah Joel Rosenberg, a renowned end-times author and missionary, who promotes proselytizing the Jewish people and dedicates resources to targeting Israelis for conversion, has managed to make Aliyah with his family Rosenberg was able to immigrate to Israel as a practicing Christian missionary via a loophole in Israels Law of Return. Just five months ago JewishIsrael reported that the Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Shlomo Riskin, granted legitimacy to Rosenberg by sharing the podium with him at New York’s West Side Lincoln Square Synagogue in an interfaith theological exchange sponsored by Ohr Torah Stone’s Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation...more JewishIsrael Gives Presentation at Cancelled Counter-Missionary Event After the Eshel Hashomron Hotel in Ariel unexpectedly cancelled a counter-missionary conference scheduled to take place on September 10th 2014, the organizers of the event did their best to recoup and held the conference in Kiryat Netafim. Despite the widely publicized cancellation and the controversy that ensued, a diverse and thoughtful audience of rabbis, professors, residents and students attended at the alternative venue...more UPDATE: The JI presentation can now be viewed on YOUTUBE (in Hebrew) Tell It to Jackie Mason: Hamas is No Laughing Matter for Some Liberal Jewish Comediennes There is something significant in the air that has not been detected by conservative Jewish leaders. It seems that the relentless rocket attacks and abominable acts by Hamas have set off a surprising firestorm of protest and activity on behalf of Israel by a number of notable liberal Jews - from Hollywood no less. And a number of those personalities are at the zenith of their careers and have gone out on a limb in voicing support for the Jewish State at this particular time. It will be a missed opportunity if diehard Jewish conservatives do not take note of a possible awakening, and take time out from the tea party and their twisted affair with evangelicals in order to embrace a moment of commonality with their own people...more Financially Transparent Deception and Honorable Deceit Michael Decker is an Israeli Evangelical attorney. Decker and his partner Calev Myers of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) are in the forefront of the battle for messianic aliyah and “Judeo-Christian” rights in Israel. They are among those Evangelicals determined to change the Jewish nature of the State of Israel and the very definition of Judaism. In the name of civil rights, freedom of religion, and social justice they regularly offer pro bono advice to those hoping to advance a messianic Christian and missionary agenda in Israel. Most recently Michael Decker provided information in the messianic publication “Israel Today” which paves the road for those missionaries who strive to establish legal non-profit proselytizing entities in the Jewish state…more Messianic Madness: A New Twist on Anti-Semitism a la Asher Intrater Certain evangelizing organizations have recently taken their grotesque game of distortion and deception to new depths as they toy with and attempt to commandeer the sensitive topic of anti-Semitism. But missionary Asher Intrater of Revive Ministries may have just broken the absurd-o-meter with a recently published article in Charisma Magazine, “What is the Root of anti-Semitism?”.It goes without saying that Intrater will not win any converts or friends with his outrageous theological acrobatics and revisionism. ...more Mike Huckabee: Respect and Suspect For those Israeli activists, politicians and rabbis who were busy cozying up to Mike Huckabee in a no holds barred embrace, respect yet beware of friendly pastors and presidential hopefuls who may love Israel to death. While JewishIsrael welcomes the friendship, warmth, and moral and political support from Mr. Huckabee, this report documents some good reasons why the order of the day should remain respect and suspect…more Q: Does the Vatican Have a Political Agenda for Israel? A: Is the Pope Catholic?! In this comprehensive wrap-up of the Pope’s three-day pilgrimage to the “Holy Land”, JewishIsrael explores the Vatican’s politically and theologically loaded agenda for Israel and compares the grim and alarming assessments of Jewish leaders and columnists with the heady predictions of those involved in interfaith ventures with the Catholic church. Included is an update on the Vatican’s claims of rights to, and historic ownership of, the Upper Room (Cenacle) above the Tomb of King David…more Is the End Near…For Evangelical Support? Old and New Voices Weigh In In a spate of recent articles appearing in major Jewish, Christian and mainstream publications, there appears to be a consensus acknowledging a significant weakening of evangelical support for Israel. Christian Zionist leaders are writing about a new and disturbing anti-Israel trend among evangelicals, while Jewish writers across the political and religious divide are warning about the dangers of faith-based alliances with zealous Christians. Is it time for Jewish leadership to switch strategies?...more OurCrowd Is Messing With the Wrong Crowd at Jerusalem Passover Breakfast OurCrowd, Jon Medved’s venture capital platform encouraging investment in Israel, is hosting a Passover Breakfast at the Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem. Israeli Attorney Calev Myers is scheduled as the guest speaker. Jon Medved may be unaware that Myers is a messianic Christian leader and an active advocate for messianic Christian rights in Israel. It is important that Jewish investors and leaders carefully consider the costs involved in giving a messianic leader and activist such as Myers legitimacy, knowing that he has an agenda to establish a serious Christian foothold in Israel and is determined to change the nature of Judaism and the Jewish state...more Rabbi Riskin and Ohr Torah Stone Host Missionary Joel Rosenberg at New York’s Lincoln Square Synagogue with Shocking Consequences Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Shlomo Riskin, recently shared the podium at New York’s West Side Lincoln Square Synagogue with Christian missionary Joel Rosenberg in an interfaith theological exchange sponsored by Ohr Torah Stone’s Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC). The event was a coup for Rosenberg who openly and enthusiastically supports the proselytizing of Jews. Even more disturbing is the enormous promotional boost Rabbi Riskin has given to major missionary organizations such as Chosen People Ministries (CPM), which closely rivals Jews for Jesus in the race to convert Jewish souls...more Community Alert :Israeli Grassroots Organizations and Leaders Collaborating with Missionaries Targeting Jews. Focus: Larry Huch and Daystar TV In recent months, JewishIsrael has met with a number of Jewish community leaders in Israel in an attempt to prevent these leaders’ further collaboration with active missionaries who are operating in the Jewish state. To their credit, a number of these leaders have cut ties with such problematic missionary entities. Yet others have chosen to disregard JewishIsrael’s concerns...more Questions Continue to Loom Over Mount Zion as Pope Prepares to Visit Israel The Pope is coming to town and an historic agreement between Israel and the Vatican seems imminent. Reports and rumors are rife concerning the status of a Catholic shrine (the Cenacle) which sits directly above the traditional Tomb of King David. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahus Office (PMO) released a statement affirming that Israel will not, despite earlier reports, give away Mount Zion -- including King Davids tomb -- to the Vatican. JewishIsrael hopes that the government denials of relinquishing land and control do not amount to red herrings, as there remain unanswered questions regarding numerous reports that the Franciscans will be granted administrative control of the Cenacle including the rights to hold regular Catholic Mass above the Tomb of King David...more JewishIsrael Reports on the Shomron Advocacy Conference: Attracting or Alienating Jewish Support? Two months ago in JewishIsrael’s report, Evangelists, Politics and Shomron PR – The Pew of It All, we outlined a number of concerns regarding the November 2013 Shomron Regional Councils Israel advocacy conference in New York. Representatives from JewishIsrael attended the conference and this report is based on their observations...more Tourism Minister Uzi Landau Denies Having Endorsed Jesus Statue for Nazareths Mount Precipice This is a continuing update to JewishIsrael’s report of December 22nd, Cast a Giant Jesus over Israel. JewishIsraels Rabbinic Director Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold met with Tourism Minister Uzi Landau. At the meeting Landau was emphatic in his denial of having ever endorsed such a project. Landau personally told Rabbi Gold that such a project will never happen. MK Moshe Feilgin also contacted JewishIsrael after speaking with Landau…more Café Forte and the Missionary Kashrut Controversy see UPDATE In addition to its offices and numerous shops, Mercaz Clal on Jerusalems Jaffa Street serves as a sort of messianic central with a very active, top to bottom Christian missionary presence under the auspices of King Of Kings Community (KKCJ). But the location recently became somewhat like comedy central when a member of the staff of the KKCJ affiliated Café Forte, allegedly tried to missionize the restaurant’s kashrut supervisor. This activity reportedly resulted in the withdrawal of the Rabbinates kashrut certification from the premises. Café Forte may be a new venture but new testaments and proselytizing over coffee at the Clal Center are an old story. JewishIsrael has an update that takes some very intriguing twists and turns...more George Bush Joins the Lineup of Illustrious Christian Friends of Israel Who Support Efforts to Convert Jews Former President George W. Bush was the featured keynote speaker at this years Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI) Banquet in Dallas. That organization, headed by Rabbi/Pastor Jonathan Bernis, clearly proclaims their vision and mission to convert Jews to Christianity. While the Bush appearance at the 2013 MJBI Banquet made a lot of waves, what is not widely known is that in recent years some of Israels best friends have been the stars at these very same annual MJBI banquets...more Evangelists, Politics and Shomron PR – The Pew of It All The Shomron Regional Councils Israel Advocacy Conference and Wine Tasting Reception will take place in New York on November 17th. Everybody knows that Israel is in need of good hasbara. JewishIsrael understands that nobody needs or deserves it more than the farmers and residents living in Yehuda and Shomron. BUT the evangelical personalities featured on the flyers and in PR reports, and their agendas, raise serious concerns. JewishIsrael outlines some of the pitfalls and offers some suggestions…more JewishIsrael Responds to Rav Eliezer Melameds View of the Christian Role in Prophecy (Part 1) In part one of JewishIsraels rebuttal to Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s article,Christians Fulfilling the Prophecy of Isaiah, we challenge his perception of Christian love for Gods Chosen People. Indicative of the misreading of the situation was Rabbi Melameds and the Shomron Regional Councils hosting and promoting of a Mega-Church leader who teaches Replacement Theology to millions of evangelical followers (it becomes downright embarrassing). As this full report unfolds, it will draw attention to practical, spiritual and ethical problems, as well as to a lack of appropriate caution being exercised among those who are advising Rabbi Melamed on Jewish-Christian relations. Part 2 of this report will challenge Rabbi Melameds view of Tommy Waller and Hayovel Ministries, and will expose Hayovels past and present missionary agenda...more Director of Rabbi Riskins Interfaith Center Appeals for Funding to Build Church in Jerusalem David Nekrutman, executive director of Rabbi Shlomo Riskins Center for Christian-Jewish Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC), located in Efrat, has made an urgent appeal for funding to establish a church in Jerusalem. The obvious question which comes to mind to Torah observant Jews is why in the world would an organization founded and directed by the Chief Rabbi of Efrat and staffed by Orthodox Jews enter into the church-building business?...more Journalist Judy Lash Balint Cuts Through the Fluff on Evangelist Mike Evans When evangelist Mike Evans Jerusalem Prayer Team Weekly Update proclaimed, Bomb Shelter at Righteous Gentile Heritage Center Gets National Recognition, he surely didnt expect journalist Judy Lash Balints account of the grand opening of the shelter, which was published in the Times of Israel, under the headline Christian love: Buying their way into Jerusalem. In addition to an accurate account, and photos of the event, Balint did the unexpected – she penned the truth about missionary Mike Evans...more A JewishIsrael Statement of Concern: Regarding Rav Melameds Position in Support of Messianic Christian Volunteers On Thursday, October 10th, 2013, JewishIsrael board members met in Har Bracha with a representative, whom Rabbi Melamed assigned the task of meeting with JewishIsrael and listening to what we had to say. The meeting lasted for over an hour, during which time JewishIsrael gave a presentation of what we viewed as the problems caused by the deployment of Hayovel Ministries’ volunteers in Israel...more Jumping the Geula Gun - a Response by Rabbi Sholom Gold to Rabbi Eliezer Melamed JewishIsrael’s Rabbinic Director, Rabbi Sholom Gold, responds to Rabbi Eliezer Melameds article, Christians Fulfilling the Prophecy of Isaiah: It is crucial at this time that such rabbis stop hosting and promoting those messianic driven Christian ministries and individuals who are determined to destroy the theological boundaries between Judaism and Christianity. The rabbis involved are accomplishing nothing less than contributing to, inspiring, and establishing a first century type Christian Restoration cult in Eretz Yisrael...more Shomron Leaders Court Christian Missionaries Who Target Jews for Conversion Official fundraising bodies for the Shomron Regional Council, such as Shuva Israel, as well as private charitable endeavors, like the Shiloh Childrens Fund, regularly solicit and encourage some of the very same evangelical organizations which are actively engaged in missionary activities in Israel and involved in efforts to proselytize Israels most vulnerable sectors. Under the circumstances, shmad would not be an incorrect term to use for what is being allowed to occur in Israel. It is most tragic that Torah observant leadership in Israel has unabashedly chosen to partner with and embrace those who are determined to draw Jews away from their faith…more U.S. Christian leader rabbi Jamie Cowen establishes messianic law firm in Israel Infamous U.S. Christian leader rabbi Jamie Cowen, who managed to make aliyah, has changed his name to Cohen and established the messianic law firm Cohen, Pex and Brosh. The firm is the latest of a growing number of legal organizations meeting the demands of evangelizing Christians who are looking to establish a foothold in the Jewish state. JewishIsrael contacted professionals working in the counter-missionary field who are familiar with Jamie Cowen and his activities. We received a concerned and immediate response. On the eve of Tisha bAv 5773, Cowens messianic deception and ability to breach Israels gates as a friend and lover should jar the Jewish soul…more The Religious Freedom Follies: State Department levels accusations at Israel The U.S. State Department has released its annual International Religious Freedom Report. The Jewish state fell short of the standards that have been set by America, an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Israel didnt make the grade when it came to accepting messianic Jews, welcoming missionaries and embracing proselytizing. According to the report, the population of Messianic Jews in Israel has apparently taken a quantum leap over the past three years – growing from 10,000 adherents in 2009 to 20,000 in 2012. JewishIsrael reviews this State Department report and takes a look at those intriguing demographics...more MISSIONARY ALERT: Chosen People Ministries targets Israelis for conversion (Part1) Chosen People Ministries (CPM) is a large, international Christian missionary organization whose stated purpose is to evangelize Jews. CPM has a growing network of missionary centers in Israel and currently runs evangelistic activities in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ariel, Netanya and Sderot. In recent years CPMs missionary teams have been reaching out to very young Jewish children in Israeli orphanages - taking them to messianic venues and attempting to establish long-term relationships with them. more… The Day Jimmy Carter Saved the Jews from Mike Evans Jewishisrael is no friend of Jimmy Carter. Yet in the aftermath of this months brouhaha over the incongruous decision by the editors of Cardoza Law School’s Journal of Conflict Resolution to honor the former president, JewishIsrael felt it timely to recount an episode also plagued with absurdity which still has serious repercussions for both Israeli and Diaspora Jewry. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter, under pressure from the American Jewish community, intervened to save countless numbers of Jewish youth from Christian missionary Mike Evans, who was effectively working to save [sic] as many young Jewish souls as possible. This report is no parody, but it is a terrible paradox, as both Evans and Carter have caused irreparable damage to Am Yisrael, but now find themselves being acclaimed by leading American Jewish and Israeli institutions. How the Jewish community got to this absurd juncture is worth exploration…more Reflections on Michael Freunds article on Christians and Repentance When Christians Repent, is an article by Michael Freund, currently featured on Aish HaTorah’s website. The article also appeared in the Jerusalem Post. With all due respect to Mr. Freund and the extraordinary work that he does, Jewishisrael has repeatedly taken issue with his unreserved approach to embracing evangelical Christians. We again feel Mr. Freund has missed the mark, as it is neither anti -Semitism, replacement theology, or missionary activity which is the primary reason for Jews maintaining a respectful and necessary distance from zealous Christians. JewishIsrael takes a profound look at the issue …more Ecksteins IFCJ continues to be a source of controversy for Jewish Charities : focus on Netanya Conflicting reports have appeared in the Jewish Press as to whether or not Netanyas largest charity, Kupat Tzedaka Merkazit, has rejected a 100,000 shekel donation from Yechiel Ecksteins organization, IFCJ (Keren L’Yedidut -The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews). Jewishisrael investigated to get the real the story. In addition, we explore why Ecksteins approach to fundraising and his methods continue to cause discomfort among Jews across the religious and political spectrum. And yes, it seems rabbis and community leaders in Netanya have good reason to be suspect of Christian generosity….more Rabbinic Committee Formulates Policy Regarding the Acceptance of Assistance from Christian Sources A document of principles regarding the acceptance of monetary and manpower assistance from Christian organizations or individuals has been formulated by the Committee of Binyamin Region Rabbis. The halachic document which can be read here in Hebrew should be reviewed by any Jew in Israel who is involved in any way with Christian sources. It is very thorough, clear, and addresses many of the concerns which JewishIsrael has brought to the attention of the public over the years. The document enjoys the endorsement of an impressive list of prominent rabbinic leaders in Israel…more
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:21:00 +0000

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