PROOF THAT YOU CANT KEEP AN OLD COMMIE DOWN: All thats needed is a - TopicsExpress


PROOF THAT YOU CANT KEEP AN OLD COMMIE DOWN: All thats needed is a color makeover! Daniel Ortega - remember him? The (FSLN) Sandinista leader of Nicaragua, who back in the 1980s with support from Cuba and the Soviet Union attempted to establish a Peoples Democracy (or Marxist state for all you rightwingers out there), but failed to do so thanks for Ronnie Reagans non-so-secret Contras and the US war against the fledgling proletarian state. Well, old Comrade Dan is still around, and again, hes the Presidente of Nicarague for the fourth time having been elected first in 1984, and again in 2001, 2006, and 2011. Having been swept to office . . . er. . . make that re-swept to office in 2011 with over 60% of the popular vote, old Danny-boy has moderated his formerly ultra-leftwing views and now considers himself a Social Democrat or Democratic Socialist, or whatever. Which means that he has rejected the notion of the dictatorship of the proletariat -- as has been shown in his public statements and political maneuverings since losing the Presidency the first time in 1990 (Hes been relected three times since!). Just goes to show that one can go from Crimson Red (Communist) to a natty Pastel Pink (Social Democrat) as easy as . . . nationalizing all industry and collectivizing agriculture . . . or taking candy . . . from a baby! Get it???? Some will. Some wont. Some may. Some might.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:33:43 +0000

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