PROPAGANDA ABOUT AKUFO-ADDOs HEALTH MUST STOP. The attention of Akufo-Addo For 2016 Campaign Secretariat, UK has been drawn to some rumours deliberately designed and spreading widely to mislead Ghanaians and supporters of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. The unscrupulous detractors behind these are peddling rumours and falsehoods that Nana Akufo Addo has health issues and has been contemplating whether to contest the upcoming NPP flagbearers primaries or not. Some of these falsehoods are also alleging that Nana Akufo Addo recently visited his doctors in UK and was advised not to contest any elections due to his ill-health. Akufo-Addo For 2016 Campaign Secretariat has traced the sources of these rumours and would like to state that, there is No truth whatsoever in such rumours deliberately spread to cause harm to Nana Akufo Addo in his bid to lead the party again. The public and the numerous supporters of Akufo Addo and NPP at large must treat any of such information with contempt it deserves. We are very much aware that this falsehoods are being peddled by NDC elements and some detractors who are scared of the massive endorsements and overwhelming acceptance Nana Akufo Addo has received, as the man with vision and good policies to salvage Ghana’s economic downturn and the attenuating image of the country. We have already anticipated that the detractors of Nana Akuffo Addo who have no message would try to make propaganda about his age and health but they should understand that it would not work for them. Indeed, Ghana deserves a leader like Nana Akufo-Addo who thinks about the next generation, not jus a matter of winning the next elections. It must be noted that Nana Akufo Addo will not be the first or the last to stand election at age 70 to be elected president, many successful presidents like Nelson Mandela, Ronald Regan whose legacies are recognised globally were all over 70 when they took office as Presidents. The wisdom, knowledge and maturity required to bring back the lost hope in Ghana and rebuild our countrys economy which is at the brink of collapse in the hands of these disappointing inexperience and untested young leaders cannot be over looked. We have a huge socio-economic problems to solve as a country, therefore anything done to deny Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo the opportunity to lead in this crucial times will bring a catastrophic failure to our party and a big loss to the country. Nana Akufo Addo is ready to move and would be filling his nomination form on Monday 7th July, and all those peddling such falsehood will see him when he hits the campaign trail. Source: AKUFO-ADDO FOR 2016 CAMPAIGN SECRETARIAT, UK.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:09:24 +0000

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