"PROPAGANDA AGAINST ISLAM". Islam is the most fastest spreading - TopicsExpress


"PROPAGANDA AGAINST ISLAM". Islam is the most fastest spreading religion in the world. After 09/11, quran became the "best seller" book for some time and the no. of muslims also increased in america after the incident. Also, according to some american scientists, "crashing of the world trade centre was an inside job". In many western countries, it is believed that they consider Muslims as terriorist. However a study was conducted some years back; three names were given to american citizens, bush, sadam, osama, and were asked to point out that who they believe to be the no. 1 terriorist, guess what, neither osama, nor sadam hussain, but bush got the maximum no. of votes, which points out the reality. Media is trying to degrade islam by its cheap acts, but reality is some thing else. Now, lets discuss smthng about kashmir. Scooty is becoming the passion of GIRLS in kashmir, some 9 to 10 months back a newz poped up in Times Of India, KASHMIRI GIRLS "SHED BURQA", RIDE SCOOTIES. This is how the media wants to degrade nd present the islam and muslims to others. Comming to the famous DAYEE AND SCHOLAR OF ISLAM, Zakir Naik, who went to london, after 9/11 for clearing misconceptions about islam, where he said, A muslim should be a terriorist, but, he should be a terr. for a theif, a terr. for a rapist, a terr. for a person who spreads mischief nd evils in the society. After some days, a news flashed on their newspaper, mentioning him out of context as, Zakir naik said a muslim should be a terr. Zakir got a notice that he has been banned to give any further speeches in their country. Zakir naik filled a case in the london court, that he had been quoted out of context; which he later won. Media is trying to stop islam from spreading by its tactics, but ALHAMDULILLAH, All thanks to allah, islam is the most fastest growing religion in the whole world. Thats why I am proud to be a muslim and i proudly say, LA ILAHA ILLALLAH There is no god but ALLAH
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:04:16 +0000

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