PROPAGANDA OF HATRED AGAINST THE WICKED . TO THOSE WHO MISUNDERSTAND MY POSTS, I only propagate hatred against HATRED itself i.e. using Similia Similus Curantis MODULE(HOMEOPATHY) , I propagate against all criminal acts like selling of substandard goods for genuine ones including medicine, motor parts, cosmetics, building materials and so on, I propagate hatred against the practice of hypocrisy like tribalism and nepotism when even your own tribesman or co-religionist can and will never on account of you being his kinsman OR CO-RELIGIONIST share his stolen government money with you even if you are dying and despite you voted and supported him to gain that office because you share the same TRIBE & RELIGION because he was not in a position to steal on your behalf so I propagate hatred against stealing of public funds by few members of the upper class, by themselves and FOR THEMSELVES ONLY but using your name and ethnocentric and religious sentimental blind support. I propagate hatred against these few minute elements who are just 85000 in number and who always act against the interest and happiness of the majority who are over 170 million hapless deprived souls, I propagate hatred against personalisation, tribalisation and ethnicisation of any religion which is a FREE universal property of God and whose main AIMS AND OBECTIVES ARE just to guide HUMANS unto doing good and avoiding evil. I propagate HATRED against misrepresentation and appropration of religion and its exploitation by PASTORS TO INCITE THEIR FOLLOWERS AGAINST THEIR OPPONENTS and trickishly acquire PRIVATE JETS, presidential and Aso Villa chumminess, Mistresses, real estates, choice properties in Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja, Ghana, South Africa, Dubai, Europe , America etc. I propagate hatred against pastors who should be preaching peace, love and forgiveness decide to preach hatred and even get implicated in arms deals obviously meant to arm senseless killers of innocent souls and bombing of worship places etc and SHEIKS too who incite their followers against members of other religions or same religion but different sects, get free access to men of power and acquire not JETS in their own case however, being from the wrong side of the Niger and Benue river, but farms of JEEPS and BEAUTIFUL DAMSELS with hamitic looking facial and other physical features with the characteristics appearance of the ancient Egyptians, the Shuwa Arabs, the Fulani, the Berbers, the Tuareg and the Tibbus. These wives who are constantly changed like shoes with the rapidity you breath in O2 and breath out CO2 during respiration and the number of wives at any given and one particular moment MUST BE FOUR IN NUMBER in order to maintain spiritual equilibrium and thereby proudly searing so many and a lot of children some of whose names our venerable UZTAZES cannot even easily recall .Some from the holy litter may be between ages 20 to 40 years and in this category 50 may be spinsters and bachelors while their patriarch keeps changing and acquiring new spouses with the result that since nature abhors vacuum these over matured single kids are found engaged in all kind of lewd acts their preacher dad always preaches against. I preach hatred against subservience and fanatical following of the people of the Middle East by black Africans simply because it is from those areas are originated and domiciled the three ABRAHAMAIC religions. I preach hatred against a situation whereby a black man no matter how devout, loyal and committed to their Middle Eastern race; religions and icons can never pass for more than a SLAVE in the eyes and minds of these RACIST ARABS and JEWS. And I also vehemently propagate hatred against denials of individuals inalienable rights to legitimate choices as to which faith he should follow as guaranteed in the CONSTITUTION of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA, in the Koran and Bible and TORAH and also such as his RIGHTS to live in peace without being coerced to wear dog chain, bell and ID card around his neck to announce his presence so as to prove he is not dangerous to members of his host communities in some states South of Rivers Niger and Benue . I preach hatred against denials of individual rights to pursue legitimate happiness anywhere in NIGERIA without molestation, discrimination, negative profiling and stigmatisation and wickedness that includes threat of war and war mongering activities and all forms of other racist vices. Most importantly I preach serious hatred against the actions of our ruthless and wicked insensitive leaders in the whole of Sub Saharan black Africa who pull the rug off our FEET and left us staggering for a balance. They pull the rug off the legs of the poor people of Nigeria through stealing like the $20 billion, $9.3 million, $5.7 million and many, many others that the whistle was silent about. I preach hatred against those who instead of expanding and modernising to employ more hands and generate higher GNP and improve the masses GDP per Capita leading to better quality of life, decided to KILL the Railways, Airways, NEPA, Water boards, Gas Plants, Refineries, Shipping Line, Nigerian Mining Corporation, Fertilizer Plant, Smelting Companies, Newspapers e.g. Daily Times, New Nigerian, Jebba Paper Mills, River Basin Authorities, Coal Corporation, Inland Water Ways, Bachita sugar company, Numan Sugar Company,Agricultural Sector, Dadin Kowa Vegefru Company, Gombe, Textile and Garment Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Bauchi Meat Company, Vehicle Assembly Plants in Bauchi, Kaduna, Anambra and Lagos, All The GRAs, The hospitals, Large government hotels, STEEL Rolling Companies, NITEL, MTEL, all research institutes and so on. I preach hatred against all those responsible for waging this serious subversive and sabotaging war against the people of Nigeria and Africa with the result that left the poor to be unemployedand poorer amidst plenty so much so that the masses are so frustrated and blinded by degrading poverty that at the slightest offence they see succour in religion and religious fanaticism and see their enemies not in the ruling elites who are daily messing up their lives but in the members of the other tribes and followers of the other religions as often and wrongly propagated in sponsored GROUPS such as the MIDDLE BELT and BIAFRA RADIO, Mosque and Churches. Finally I propagate strong hatred against all those who divert the attention of the masses from their real problems and true enemies, these enemies are the clueless ruthless and unpatriotic thieving black African subversive modern subversive RULING ELITES who can be found among claimers and followers of both ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY and FROM ALL NIGERIAS TRIBES, WHETHER BIG MAJOR TRIBES SUCH AS IGBOS,YORUBAS,HAUSA or MINORITIES Tivs, Idomas, Ijaws, Fulanis, Kanuri, Igalla, Nupe, Itsekiri, Isoko, Ibibio, Anang, Igbirra, Edo,Angas, Kataf, Kambari,Eggon,Bajju,Ikulu,Gwari, Gbagyi,Michika,Bura,Babur,Jarawa,Afizere, Mumuye, Shuwa,Igarra,Ishan,Berom,Angas, Mushere,Gommoei,Tarok, Sayawa, Tangale,Chan, Waja, Tula, Warji,Bachama,Bade,Lunguda, Jukun,Bolewa,Anaguta, Karekare,Kuteb and so on among all these ethnic groups are found members of the ruling elite responsible for the dangerous situation the nation found itself. So it is wrong to put general blame on any single individual ethnic group although some are more into specific acts of crime against the nation such as trade malpractices. I propagate hatred against all those who send hatred into the camp of the impoverished and degraded innocent Nigerian citizens from under whose feet the RUG HAS BEEN PULLED AWAY, PULLED AWAY SO MERCILESSLY BY THE THIEVING RULING ELITES THAT THE MASSES ARE DAILY STAGGERING TOWARDS HELL.THE WICKED CULT OF THE RULING CABAL ELITE HAVE PULLED AWAY THE RUG FROM UNDER THE FEET OF THE HAPLESS MASSES, THAT BEAUTIFUL COVETOUS RUG OF UNITY, PEACE, LOVE, TOLERANCE, DIGNITY,HONESTY, HAPPINESS,PROSPERITY,GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. THEY HAVE FORCEFULLY PULLED AWAY THE RUG THAT HAS LEFT THE MASSES VIOLENTLY PUSHED AND STAGGERING IN THE DIRECTION OF HADES, IN THE DIRECTION OF PERDITY AND PERDITION, LEAVING ONLY ONE OPTION FOR SURVIVAL AND THAT OPTION IS A REVOLUTION. A REVOLUTION BY THE REMAINING FEW BRAVE, SANE AND INTELLIGENT MEMBERS OF THE CITIZENRY. A REVOLUTION BY THE REMAINING FEW HONEST, ALTRUISTIC AND PATRIOTIC INDIVIDUALS AROUND. PEOPLE READY TO SACRIFICE ALL FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THIS NATION
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:56:42 +0000

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me :sorry coz i cannt going to work tday.emrgncy,i felt in

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