PROPEL Your CAREER FORWARD By WRITING AWESOME EMAILS Email has become the primary way we contact people — whether we’re looking for a job, trying to land a freelance client or simply working to expand our network. Here are a few tips to increase the chance of getting a positive response to your emails. 1. Be Succinct : Not only are long emails annoying, they’re also proof that you’re not a good communicator — and employers want people who can share their ideas succinctly. This is a double opportunity if you’re trying to land any sort of writing job. Telling your story concisely is a great way to showcase your skills right from the get-go. If you’re really smart, you might even limit your emails to 50 words. 2. Include a Clear Action Item If the person on the receiving end of your email doesn’t know what you want, there’s no way they’ll be able to give it to you — and that means your effort has gone to waste. So rather than writing “just to introduce yourself,” have an action item in mind, and communicate it clearly. You don’t want to ask too much the first time you contact someone, but you do want to give that person a reason to respond and continue the dialogue. For example, if your action item is asking for advice, make sure your question is specific enough that the person can actually answer it. Avoid inquiries like, “What advice do you have for new graduates?” or “How’d you get where you are now?” Instead, ask specific questions that show you’ve followed this person’s work or blog, or done your homework in some way — and the person will be more willing to spend time crafting a helpful reply. 3. Do Your Research : Anyone you approach will be more willing to help you if you’ve helped yourself first. So do research, and find subtle ways to show that you did. The absolute most important research you can do is finding the name of the person you’re writing to. Don’t start your email with “Dear Hiring Manager” . 4. Use Flattery : Authentic flattery — because we can all sniff out fake flattery a mile away. Not only does true flattery make the other person feel good (and realize that you’ve done your homework), it also shows you’re an enthusiastic, engaged individual who goes after what you want. After all, that’s why you are writing emails to begin with. To go after what you want. And if you’ve bothered to put in that effort, you might as well go the extra mile to make sure your emails actually get read.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 07:40:00 +0000

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