PROPHECY COMING TO PASS! THIS COINCIDES WITH THE VISION THE LORD GAVE ME THIS MORNING! MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN JESUS CHRIST, I WAS GIVEN ANOTHER VISION THIS MORNING! I was shown a very dark cloudy night, but though there were dark thick clouds with odd formations, I was shown a huge explosion in the heavens on the outside of the clouds, but it was breaking through our atmosphere! I looked, and questioned what was taking place, I remembered in Gods word, that at near the end of the world, the stars will fall from the heavens, and that fire balls will hit the earth causing mass destruction everywhere! There were people I thought I knew who they were in my vision, but they were not who I thought they were. There were people going around in the darkness with mass confusement! This GREAT, and TERRIBLE thing that was occurring, was causing mass confusement, some were not even aware that anything was happening. They were carrying themselves around like it was just another normal night, like nothing was wrong. Though they appeared to be awake walking around, I now know they were asleep! Which backs these scriptures! St. Matthew chapter 24 VS 37-42 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the COMING of the Son of man be. For as in the DAYS that were BEFORE the FLOOD THEY were EATING, and DRINKING, MARRYING, and GIVING IN MARRIAGE, until the DAY THAT NOAH ENTERED THE ARK, And KNEW NOT until the FLOOD CAME, and TOOK THEM ALL AWAY; so shall ALSO the COMING of the Son of man be. Then shall TWO be in the field; the ONE SHALL BE TAKEN, and the OTHER LEFT. TWO WOMEN shall be grinding at the mill; the ONE SHALL BE TAKEN, and the OTHER LEFT. WATCH, therefore: for YOU KNOW NOT what HOUR your LORD DOES COME. (Note, Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, is talking about the Elect Church being CAUGHT UP TO GOD HERE, the one shall be TAKEN, and the OTHER LEFT! Just as in the days of Noah, Noah entered the ARK with his family, animals, etc... they shut the door, and God sealed it! They made it to Gods SALVATION from the FLOOD, this time we will enter the BODY of CHRIST, our LORD GODS HOLY SPIRIT, when we are CAUGHT UP, then GODS WRATH OF FIRE THIS TIME WILL DEVOUR THOSE LEFT BEHIND, then COMES THE FINAL JUDGMENT! Praise our Lord God for He is faithful unto those who are faithful unto Him, by keeping all of His commandments, receiving Jesus Christ fully as our own personal Saviour!) I turned to an unknown person in my vision, right after I was able to see a FLASH through the CLOUDS seeing in an instant flash that it was a HUGE FULL MOON, and the HUGE EXPLOSION that occurred in the heavens coming into the earth was to the left of the moon. The person or being in my vision as I looked at the SKY, and started to see REAL DARK CLOUDS start to SPIN, in a CIRCLE LIKE A TYPHOON in the HEAVENS, said to me! They HAVE DESTROYED OUR ATMOSPHERE! I saw a black hole, in the black clouds that were spinning in a circle, for the hole was darker than the clouds. The place I was at, though this was impacting the entire world was in Michigan! From what I receive, from me being in a huge city like Detroit Michigan where the population is about 700,000 people, that the great cities of the nations are about to FALL! All of this was happening real fast! It was like I had a camera taking pictures, different flashes of each vision that occurred. With as quick as I saw the HUGE FULL MOON APPEAR in the heavens out of the thick clouds, the only thing I can receive, is that this will occur either on the next full moon, or on a very near full moon! When the Lord shows us something happening like this at this speed it shows that it will happen in the near future, very near! I looked up the next near full moons. The next ones I see is on. Feb 3rd, March 5th we know in March there is a total solar eclipse, the sun and the moon will be darkened. KJV, St. Matthew chapter 24 VS 29 Immediately after the TRIBULATION of those DAYS shall the SUN be DARKENED, and the MOON shall NOT give HER LIGHT, and the STARS SHALL FALL FROM HEAVEN, and the POWERS of the HEAVENS SHALL BE SHAKEN! (Note, I am not date setting, I am just revealing what was shown to me by the Lord, and backing it up with scripture. One thing we know, those of us that have been keeping up with what is going on, is CERN the key to the bottomless pit, will fire off CERN again in MARCH 2015, a little over a month from now! They will fire it off again for the second time that we know of, which the first time was in 2013, this time they will go full power, to try and harvest the power from the SUN, to make a SUN in the CORE of our INNER EARTH! Look up BPEARTHWATCH, CERN on youtube, he has been keeping up with the days, and times for years, he does believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. He has been following up on CERN along with many others. From what I see that the Lord is showing me, all of these things are ligning up with the word of God, and the vision He just blessed me with. Remember the person in the VISION said to me, THEY HAVE DESTROYED OUR ATMOSPHERE! We know that the next RED BLOOD MOON of the TETRAD is in APRIL of this year, which is the 3rd one, which on April 4th is the next full moon! God bless all of us brothers, and sisters in Jesus Christ, and I hope this helps us all to stay close to the Lord as the end approaches. When the Lord gives me a vision, I have to share it, get the word out, for it is not for me to keep alone. We must obey every COMMANDMENT our LORD GOD gives us, for we are ALL HELD ACCOUNTABLE of our works for our Lord Jesus Christ here on earth. Read KJV, Revelation chapter 6 VS 12-17 THE SIXTH SEAL! KJV, 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 VS 1-6 BUT, of the TIMES, and SEASONS, brethren, you have NO NEED that I write to you. For YOURSELVES KNOW PERFECTLY that the DAY of the LORD so COMES AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. For when THEY shall say PEACE, and SAFETY; THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMES upon THEM, as TRAVAIL upon A WOMAN with CHILD; and THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE. But YOU, brethren, ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, that, that DAY should OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF. YOU ARE ALL the CHILDREN of LIGHT, and the CHILDREN of the DAY: WE ARE NOT of the NIGHT, nor of DARKNESS. Therefore LET US NOT SLEEP, as DO OTHERS; but LET US WATCH, and BE SOBER. (Note, God be with us, in the name of our LORD, and KING JESUS CHRIST, and I know He will remain FAITHFUL unto His children, that are faithful unto Him, for He has not appointed His children to His WRATH.) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:10:55 +0000

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