PROPHET DR. DAVID EDWARD OWUOR AND REPENTANCE He believes that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through true repentance in the precious blood of Christ Jesus and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit who enables the Christians to live in Holiness. -Dr. Owuor. This writers objection: To begin with, to say that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through “true repentance in the precious blood of Christ,” is ambiguous. What, in the world is “true repentance in the precious blood?” We can only repent of sin and wickedness and not in the blood. The cultic art of redefining Christian terminology to fit the system of thought he now embraces is employed by “prophet” Dr. David Owuor and his Repentance and Holiness movement as evidenced in the above use of “ Repentance in the blood of Jesus Christ.” John the Baptist and the disciples of Jesus believed in repentance for the forgiveness of sins before and after the death of Christ, but had no idea of the propitiatory significance of that death. (Mark 1:4, Acts 2:38). Apostle Peter rebuked Jesus for revealing to them of his impending death. “From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and the chief priests and scribes and BE KILLED, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be far from thee, Lord, THIS SHALL NOT HAPPEN UNTO THEE. (Mathew 16:21-22). How could Peter repent in the blood of Jesus whom he believed could not die? Belief in blood shed without death is an absurdity . While in prison John the Baptist sent his disciples to go and confirm if Jesus was the Messiah for he did not expect to suffer in the Romans hand with the coming of Christ. He did not expect Christ to die before delivering Jacob. To the disciples on the way to Emmaus he said “O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:25-26). These disciples had truly repented and their sins cleansed without belief and knowledge of the sacrificial blood of Jesus. Did they repent in the precious blood of Jesus Christ? Did the Ninevites repent in the precious blood of Christ? Can it be said that the only means of forgiveness of their sins is only REPENTANCE IN THE BLOOD, while they had no idea of the death of Christ? Apostle Peter had no idea about the significance and efficacy of the blood of Christ shed on the cross. Apostle Paul is the one who later made known to Peter the propitiatory value of the shed blood of Christ. In his rebuke to apostle Peter in Antioch, Paul revealed to Peter for the first time the substitutionary value of the death of Jesus Christ. “For I through the law I am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.” (Galatians 2:19) “………….. and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith of the son of God, WHO LOVED ME AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR ME” (Galatians 2:20). Again, to the Roman church, he revealed that glorious truth . “Who (i.e Christ) was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our “justification” (Romans 4:25). To the Ephesian elders, who came to Paul in Miletus, he admonished to oversee the church of God which He has purchased with His own blood. (Acts 20:28). On the way to Damascus, Christ appeared to Paul to make him a minister and a witness of the things he had then seen and the things he would subsequently reveal to him in his later appearances. (Acts 26:16). The truth about the value of the blood of Christ was revealed to Paul at a later date. Therefore, even the repentance preached by Peter on Pentecost could not have been in the precious blood. It was yet a truth hid in God, awaiting future revelation to Paul. By definition, repentance is a change of mind after the heart has been broken by the word of God. But the blood of Jesus never changes the mind of anybody. The provision for and application of the underlying principle of appeasement of Deity, being sinned against, through propitiation by blood of Jesus is the prerogative of God and is independent of the pertinent sinner. Hence a sinner’s repentance cannot be in the blood of Jesus for just as baptism of repentance effectively satisfied God for the forgiveness of sins , so is the greater satisfaction that the Blood of Jesus offers God. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins…………” (Ephesians 1:7). Apostle Paul said that “John baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him…………………” (Acts 19:4). You will notice that in both cases it is him “whom we have redemption in” that should be the object of our faith and not the elements he has appointed for the end of that redemption. Therefore it is absurd for “prophet” Dr. David Edward Owuor to claim that repentance should be done in the blood or in baptism of repentance. “In whom , through faith” is synonymous with “believe on him which should come”. Belief is on him who made the atonement but not the atonement itself. Furthermore, the Bible makes a clear distinction between repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Acts 20:21). Repentance toward God is not faith toward the Lord Jesus. The distinction is unmistakable. Today faith is directed toward Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in receivable form through the one and only faith of this dispensation. “There ………………….. is one Lord and ONE FAITH……………..” (Ephesians 4:5). And that one faith is toward Jesus Christ. “……..Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved……………” (Acts 16:31). Let us go onto maturity and stop laying again the foundation of FAITH TOWARD GOD. (Hebrews 6:2). For there is not any other name mentioned under heaven whereby we must be saved. You also notice that in the above verse, the writer of Hebrews indicates that “repentance toward God” has finally ceased to be a foundational doctrine of salvation. With the introduction of the dispensation of the grace of God or the mystery, Apostle Paul, in his letters from prison, eventually ceased to emphasize repentance toward God. Paul, the least of all the saints, was this grace given, that he should preach among the Gentiles, THE UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF CHRIST. (Ephesians 3:8). The unsearchable riches of Christ could not include repentance toward God, since that repentance could be searched from the Old Testament scriptures. The mystery that Paul preached among the Gentiles was sufficient to change lives. Repentance could not have formed part of that mystery which from the beginning of the age had been hid in God. It is also clear from apostle Paul that repentance was part and parcel of the gospel of circumcision which he initially preached before the revelation of the mystery. After the full revelation of the mystery, Paul ceased to preach repentance for it had become irrelevant under the gospel of un circumcision in which the unsearchable riches of Christ is preached. Charles O. Ndege.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 07:02:49 +0000

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