>>>PROPHETIC DREAMS AND VISIONS>>> ---- This dream comes from a - TopicsExpress


>>>PROPHETIC DREAMS AND VISIONS>>> ---- This dream comes from a brother in Christ and OYEP Viewer, I will use his initials, J.C., - I was afraid to even send this message to you Anita, for fear I would be ridiculed for it. But I have had nightmares for the last several days and has caused me to go into a depressive state. They seem more like visions to me though, people dying, flames in buildings, more planes falling from the sky, others being led to what I recall being called the Mark Enforcement Centers, where you either take the Mark of the Beast or you go to a Mark Enforcement Station, which is where you are beheaded. It scares me greatly. I dont know what to do anymore, God is telling me something is about to happen. In the words sent to me by possibly an angel of His: There is coming a time, and is now already here where you will have to choose your allegiance, its either for Me, or for the darkness that is spreading across the globe. I have given you the signs and the warnings, and yet many have not heeded My Word. What will you do? Something bad is coming Anita, something very bad and it will happen soon. Possibly by the end of this year, beginning of next, Im not sure. I do know as I write this, my hands are shaking because of whats coming. I cry when I wake up, its horrible to think on it, but I had to tell someone and the only person I could was you because I know you would understand better than anyone. I hope this helps someone in some way.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:37:39 +0000

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