PROPHETIC FIGURE 3 MEANS THE KINGDOM OF GOD YAHWEH OF ARMIES. GOD THE SON - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. [ETERNAL LIFE, GRACE, POWER, AUTHORITY, MERCY, TRUTH, HIGH PRIEST] – 1 JOHN 5:20. SALVATION. – ISAIAH 45:22 1. Now salvation is not a religion but a belief because we all believe that it is the only way to eternal life and through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST that is to say you believe hand in hand with faith and confess with your mouth that HE died for you on THE CROSS which is THE POWER OF GOD. – 1 CORINTHIANS 1:18, ROMANS 10:1, ROMANS 10:9. 2. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST said that unless we are BORN AGAIN, being BORN AGAIN in the spiritual ream, we cannot see THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Being BORN AGAIN in the spirit where by you kill of the works of the flesh which are through the law and in religions and accepting THE HOLY SPIRIT to drive you. – JOHN 3:3, JOHN 3:5,JOHN 14:26. 3. If HE were on the earth like these priests of the religions, HE would not be HIGH PRIEST because people would have bribed HIM to do as they desire. But now OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST is THE HIGHEST PRIEST WHO leads us to eternity and not men sited on THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD THE FATHER . – HEBREWS 8:1-4. 4. For THE GRACE has appeared to us saying that we should deny these religions which are a fuel engine to ungodliness receiving Righteousness through CHRIST JESUS. – TITUS 2:11-12. 5. For there are insubordinates from these religions straying people to destruction because of their works and teachings and also hypocrisy. Therefor run destruction and receive LIFE THROUGH CHRIST JESUS. – TITUS 1:10-12. IN SUMMARY THE KINGDOM OF THE LIVING GOD HAS COME NEAR TO YOU HEART SINCE A RELIGION CANNOT SAVE YOU BUT ONLY BELIEVING AND CONFESSING OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO IS THE ETERNAL LIFE.AND IF YOU HAVE NEVER CONFESSED, IT’S THE RIGHT TIME YOU GOT OUT AND SPEAK THE FOLLOWING WORDS AND SAVE YOUR SELF FROM ETERNAL DAMNATION OR SECOND DEATH BECAUSE WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED.THE WORD SAYS THAT IF ONE SINNER CHANGES/TURNS FROM DAMNATION, THERE IS JOY AND HAPPINESS/CELEBRATON IN THE HEAVEN. – LUKE 10:11. WITH SERIOUSNESS. YOU WILL SEE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE. [GOD BLESSES YOU]. - ROMANS 10:1, ROMANS 10:9, ISAIAH 59:1-8 MY LORD JESUS CHRIST. I BELIEVE THAT YOU DIED FOR MY SINS. AND IT WAS MY INIQUITY YOU CARRIED ON THE CROSS. AND ON THE THIRD DAY YOU ROSE AGAIN. I GIVE YOU ALL MY HEART MY LORD JESUS CHRIST. CHANGE ME MY SAVIOUR, TRANSFORM ME. ERASE MY NAME FROM THE BOOK OF DEATH. AND WRITE IT IN THE BOOK OF LIFE AM STAINED WITH A CLOTH OF SIN. AND IT IS ONLY YOU BLOOD THAT CAN CLEANSE ME. I BELIEVE BY FAITH THAT AM SAVED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST MY PERSONAL SAVIOUR. AMEN.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 06:55:35 +0000

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