PROPHETIC LATE LT GEN JAMEEL MEHMOOD AND POOR ME! Late Lt General Jameel Mehmood, Corps Commander later, Army Commander , Eastern Command, had said this to me in November 1991 : Rajinder, you are a doer as well as an excellent performer and extremely good one at that. I am deeply impressed with the unconventional and unorthodox methods you employ to tackle ULFA militancy. I do not know how far you would go in the army, but wherever you go, you would create a niche for yourself. Army would be the loser, if you remain good only but NOT successful. Thank you very much for what you have done for me. No need to narrate the incident which made him say so. And today, as PRESIDENT of MAHANDER VIHAR COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY, when I obtained the sanction from HUDA for installation of Lifts and extension of Balconies, after a year full of trials and tribulations, obstacles and resistance and personal attacks by some narrow minded society members, the words of Lt Gen Jameel Mehmood resonated in my ears. It was a deep sense of achievement. To get things done from official machinery, when there is complaint -a- day scenario against your proposal, it has to be a cause for jubilation and celebrations. And I feel deeply elated. How prophetic Lt. Gen Jameel Mehmood was! He had seen in me a streak, which told him that I can perform but I wont be liked by many who would feel threatened. And so it happened,I was dozed away by the army as a GOOD but unsuccessful officer. My arrogance to opposition rather than using tact and diplomacy; my devotion to the task at hand, unmindful of risks and dangers to self and my habit of deliberately rough riding obstacles, did me in with the army, despite some excellent performances both in peace and war. Do I have regrets? No, Sir! In fact I take those words from late Lt Gen Jameel Mehmood as compliments to me. My daughter often accuses me as a ONE TRACK MIND FELLOW, who puts in all his energies in the one basket when he decides to do a thing. She is not wrong because I get focussed and remain concentrated till I do it and I do it with a finesse. And friends I have many such things in my name. As a CEO of a hospitality company at KARNAL, my MD was stunned, when within the first one month of my taking over, I cut down his electricity bill by Rs 4 Lakhs, which he could not do over 10 years despite best of efforts. Then as Col Q work of Central Command, I broke all times records in 1996-97, when Central Command got projects sanctioned from Army HQ for more than 100 Crores, while it had never crossed 40 Crores before this. And as Col Adm of 15 Infantry Div, I hiked the fixed deposits of the Div HQ from Rs 36 Crores to 108 Crores in a two year tenure from April 1993-June 1995. I had to only control the leakages in the Panther canteen and monthly profits went up by 2.5-3 Lakhs. As Col GS of 81 Sub Area and AQMG (Ops) of a Strike Corps ---------- forget it----- I am getting carried away.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 02:47:04 +0000

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