*PROPHETIC MAKEUP OF CHURCHES: Revelation 2:18-29 & 3:7-22! Today, - TopicsExpress


*PROPHETIC MAKEUP OF CHURCHES: Revelation 2:18-29 & 3:7-22! Today, only three(3) types of Churches exist in line with the Prophetic descriptions given by Jesus thru His Holy Spirit of Truth to the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in the first century Apostolic Age. To clarify all of the previous posts on this Revelation Knowledge subject of great importance, the three(3) Churches are: 1.) Philadelphia; 2.) Laodicea; & 3.) Thyatira. The Church of Philadelphia aka Brotherly Love is Gods Holy Remnant in this End Times Last Days Generation. She has been Given by Almighty God The Open Door to take the His Glorious Gospel to the very ends of the earth! She has little strength which can mean weakness in abilities & also few in numbers(not many members). She has His Sworn Promise to be Raptured (Revelation 3:10!), because She IS Faithful to Him Alone! She consists of only True Believers in Christ Alone & may or may not be affiliated with any known churches of the current religious structure today! These True Saints are completely & totally sold out for Christs Sake! The Church of Laodicea is Apostate & has backslidden & fallen into all manner of errors! God Almighty is Calling this Church to Repentance even as we write this blog now. This Church is composed primarily of many if not most contemporary Protestant & Pentecostal Denominations worldwide & non denominational churches as well. The Church of Thyatira(Papal church) is totally & completely lost & holding billions of souls in bondage to spiritual darkness with its legalistic, unholy doctrines, idolatry(BVM=Blessed Virgin Mary & Marian Worship as the Mother of God a contradiction in terms! Almighty God & Jesus ARE Eternal having no beginning & hence no mother! Mary was used by God the Holy Spirit as a vessel so Jesus could to take on human flesh, enter this world & not to be Created!) & Witchcraft(lying signs, wonders & miracles not from God!). This is the Roman Catholic Church headquartered in Vatican City Rome Italy & some other Main Line Denominations that hold fast to many Catholic doctrines & dogmas. This is in short a summary of the Prophetic makeup of the Church today. Heed & Discern well! The Rapture is next! Prepare & get ready! To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! Amen! Maranatha! *(See: Ephesians 4:15 & 5:11!)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 18:03:12 +0000

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