PROPHETIC NEWS EVENTS AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR 11-25-14 .MANY ARTICLES POINT TO THE SOON COMING OF JUDGMENTS AND THE SOON COMING OF JESUS CHRIST . THERE IS NO NEED TO BE AFRAID IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER IN HIM. MANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ARE PROPHETICALLY SIGNIFICANT IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE SCRIPTURES PERTAINING TO THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. MANY OF THESE BIBLE VERSES WITH THEIR MATCHING NEWS HEADLINE COUNTERPARTS CAN BE FOUND IN THE BOOK OF MATTHEW IN THE 24TH CHAPTER. THE COMPILATION OF ALL OF THESE NEWS ARTICLES WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA ABOUT OUR SOCIETY,OUR COUNTRY,RELIGION,AND THE CONDITION OF THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE. ABOVE ALL, HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. ARE YOU READY ? PLEASE READ JOHN 3:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. *************************************************************************************** Khameini: The West Will Never Bring Us to Our Knees Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatolla Ali Khameini was quoted in his official website that in the negotiations for a nuclear agreement the West would never be able to bring Iran to its knees, Study: Half of Americans, Majority of White Evangelicals Believe Natural Disasters Are Rising Due to End Times Not Climate Change Especially white evangelical Protestants are more likely — 77 percent — to attribute the severity of recent natural disasters to the End Times than to climate change, added the poll on religion and the environment. Mysterious malware performs stealthy surveillance A highly sophisticated piece of malware began quietly spying on governments and businesses in 2008, according to security specialist Symantec, which warns that the complex code was likely the handiwork of a nation state. Missouri State Senator: ‘This Is St. Louis’ Race War’ Missouri Democratic state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal said the ongoing violence following the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is “St. Louis’ race war.” Rewriting America’s Thanksgiving History to Remove God Is a Tragic Deception As Americans mark Thanksgiving this week, one thing noticeably absent from public discourse is our nations first Thanksgiving celebration—and the One to Whom those early American settlers gave thanks. Instead, talk of Pilgrims is taboo, and talk of giving thanks to God even more so. Banking culture breeds dishonesty, scientific study finds Researchers in Switzerland studied bank workers and other professionals in experiments in which they won more money if they cheated, and found that bankers were more dishonest when they were made particularly aware of their professional role. We Have a Moral Divide, Not a Racial One It is, we are told over and over, all about perceptions — a black-white divide in the way each race perceives racial matters. This is how it works: Ariel Cancels Temple Mount Visit Over Security Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) has retracted his decision to ascend the Temple Mount Monday night, in deference to the severity of the security situation in Jerusalem. Netanyahu: Recognition of Israel as nation state of Jews is basis for future peace accord Recognition of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people is the basis of any future peace accord, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday, responding to critics both domestic and abroad claiming that the controversial “Jewish state” legislation will water down the countrys democratic character. Hamas Threatens Holy War Over Jewish State Law Hamas has an opinion on the Jewish State Law making rounds in the Knesset, Channel 2 reports Tuesday - claiming that the law could provoke a holy war. Multiple Earthquakes Recorded Early Monday Morning In Oklahoma According to the U.S. Geological Survey, at 12:36 a.m., a 4.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded 13 miles west of Perry and 19 miles east, southeast of Enid. It was about three miles deep. Again, at 12:55 a.m...... Riots erupt after grand jury clears policeman in Ferguson shooting Police fired tear gas and protesters set businesses ablaze in Ferguson, Missouri, in racially charged unrest sparked by a grand jurys decision not to indict a white police officer for fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager in August. Turkeys Erdogan: Women Not Equal to Men Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday that women are not equal to men, saying Islam has defined a position for women: motherhood. Speaking to a conference in Istanbul on women and justice, Mr. Erdogan said that it is against nature to put men and women on an equal footing. Afghanistan: Fifty dead after suicide attack during volleyball match At least fifty people are now known to have been killed instantly when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device during a popular volleyball game. It is the deadliest attack in Afghanistan this year. Ukrainians to Decide on Future NATO Membership in Eventual Vote Ukraine will choose whether to join NATO in a referendum once the former Soviet republic moves from “empty declarations” and completes real policy changes needed for membership, President Petro Poroshenko said. Israel resumes razing homes to punish attackers Enas Shalodi, a Palestinian mother of six, has been severely punished by Israel for something she didnt do. A wrecking crew gutted her familys apartment in Jerusalem last week, tearing down inner walls and leaving behind a thick layer of debris. Six years in, Obama gearing up to be a war president Barack Obamas meteoric rise to the presidency probably wouldnt have been possible without his decision to stake out a strong position against the Iraq War while still an Illinois state senator in October 2002. In a speech in Chicago that month he warned of a dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Heres The Depressing Reason Why Iran May Have Rejected A Generous Nuclear Deal The nuclear negotiations between Iran and a US-led group of countries over Tehrans nuclear program have once again fallen short. On the one year anniversary after the signing of the landmark Joint Plan of Action in Geneva, diplomats from Iran and the PP5+1 — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany — announced that the negotiating period will be extended for another seven months after the parties failed to reach a final deal during a marathon session in Vienna.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 14:57:30 +0000

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