PROPHETIC PACKAGE FOR OCTOBER 2014 Praise, blessings, - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC PACKAGE FOR OCTOBER 2014 Praise, blessings, glory, honor and power be unto our great God who by his mercies and through Christ Jesus has brought us into this very life of grace and abundance. Greetings to you all from the throne room dear intercessors, watchmen, Mighty men and revivalists of this end time. I see this mail reaching some of you in the mood of joy and season of celebration with a handful of testimonies. At the same time it is reaching others in a time of sorrow, tears, mourning, weeping, depression, affliction, sickness and all manners of tribulation. Hahaha, no matter what you are going through relax (Phil 4:4-6). The throne room is the place from which God creates, recreates, heals restores, delivers, promotes, provides, empowers, comforts and liberates. For out of his belly shall flow streams of living water (John 7:38). Every time God visits his people like the Israelites after over 400years of oppression, he takes away their sorrows, heals their broken hearts, wipe their tears, restores them, delivers them, heals their diseases and provides for them. I see a sister who has been suffering for long from Gastritis; I declare it is over from today in Jesus’ name. Amen (Isa 53:4-5). Glory to the Lord for the wonderful month of testimonies (September). It has been a great month of countless testimonies; So many that can’t be mention in this prophetic release. But just get this one as an appetizer. On Sunday the 6th of September, after an alter call a young man of about 18years was prayed for and demons spoke through him after been subdued as he clenched his feast to punch me. Hahaha... After serious torments by the Holy Ghost fire demons said “I am the spirit of stubbornness and I have initiated many young men into stubbornness and even went ahead to reveal a victim of such initiation. A second demon spoke through him that “I’m the spirit of tiger, and I came to weaken your spirit”. After all these confessions, the young man was manifesting as a tiger, I laid hands on him and he fell under the power of the Holy Ghost and was instantly delivered. Glory to God! That same Sunday meeting, others were healed instantly and received salvation. I see more than a hundred people restored and strengthened from a spiritual life weakened by demons in Jesus’ name. Amen Immediately after the service as I gave the benediction, I heard a voice said move straight to Upland Street with the instruments and musicians for a mini crusade. Hahaha… it sounds funny isn’t it? . I obeyed his voice as he asked me to make a call for those who will follow me. Over 10 brethren including some worshippers put up their hands. Guess what as they came out, I said Lord confirm their call to go out with me by empowering them. Guess what the power was so strong that they all fell as they were slain by the anointing during prayer. We prayed and carried the church musical and worship instruments to Upland Street. When we got there we met a widow whose court the lord had asked us to use. Praise God as we shared the word with her she said she was waiting just for that. She said there has been a lot of oppression in her family. She gave us access to her electrical connection and house to use. Guess what this same lady was healed of pains in her hands and the son was delivered. The program was held for 2days and the power of God there was really great that words can really explain it … Hahaha demons literally cried and you could see tears from the eyes of many Hahaha as demons screamed and left. So spectacular was the case of a Jehovah Witness who moved forward as he saw many being delivered and tilted his head towards me and said , man of God please lay your hands on my head. Praise the Lord Brethren, I Laid hands upon him and he was slain by the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. Joy, dancing and celebration filled that street for those 2days of divine appointment. All who came sick were healed by the Lord, and the oppressed were all set free. Praise God! Today is your day. I say today is your day. Emphatically today is your day in the name of Jesus. Amen. By the 25th of September I was in a fast with my wife to free the spiritual atmosphere because we sensed some demonic resistance. We had lost over 5 baby sitters within 2 weeks. Hahaha... On the 26th, we prayed on wee chat, and a word came, before 6 pm today a miracle will happen. Praise God at exactly 6 pm, she went to control our account and saw a wonderful gift. Hahaha... That same day we received Favo-Vic’s new nanny whom she really loves and plays with, contrary to all the others whose presence only scared her. The Lord gave an appointed time and, at that appointed time he performed his promise. Hallelujah. This leads us to the Word for the Month of October; The Month Of Divine Appointment. Gen 18:1-19 18: 1 Now the Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks or terebinths of Mamre; as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day, 2 He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood at a little distance from him. He ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the ground 3 And said, My lord, if now I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant, I beg of you. 4 Let a little water be brought, and you may wash your feet and recline and rest yourselves under the tree. 5 And I will bring a morsel (mouthful) of bread to refresh and sustain your hearts before you go on further—for that is why you have come to your servant. And they replied, Do as you have said. 6 So Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah and said, Quickly get ready three measures of fine meal, knead it, and bake cakes. 7 And Abraham ran to the herd and brought a calf tender and good and gave it to the young man [to butcher]; then he [Abraham] hastened to prepare it. 8 And he took curds and milk and the calf which he had made ready, and set it before [the men]; and he stood by them under the tree while they ate. 9 And they said to him, Where is Sarah your wife? And he said, [She is here] in the tent. 10 [a][The Lord] said, I will surely return to you when the season comes round, and behold, Sarah your wife will have a son. And Sarah was listening and heard it at the tent door which was behind Him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in years; it had ceased to be with Sarah as with [young] women. [She was past the age of childbearing]. 12 Therefore Sarah laughed to herself, saying, After I have become aged shall I have pleasure and delight, my lord (husband), being old also? 13 And the Lord asked Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I really bear a child when I am so old? 14 Is anything too hard or too wonderful [b]for the Lord? At the appointed time, when the season [for her delivery] comes around, I will return to you and Sarah shall have borne a son. 15 Then Sarah denied it, saying, I did not laugh; for she was afraid. And He said, No, but you did laugh. 16 The men rose up from there and faced toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. 17 And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham [My friend and servant] what I am going to do, 18 Since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed through him and shall bless themselves by him? 19 For I have known (chosen, acknowledged) him [as My own], so that he may teach and command his children and the sons of his house after him to keep the way of the Lord and to do what is just and righteous, so that the Lord may bring Abraham what He has promised him. Praise the Lord we see From the scriptures above how a man of faith who left all he had and family just to obey God is childless even at the age of over a hundred and wife being too advanced in age to bare a child. Am I talking to some one who has been serving God faithfully, but seems to have no physical evidence of God’s reward? Am I speaking to someone who has lose passion and zeal in serving God because you waited for God’s reward for your services or good works and had nothing? Right now that I’m speaking to you have you given up on Sunday services, revival hour, personal devotion to the Lord, stopped sharing the gospel or stopped exhorting others? Have you stopped giving offerings, supporting the work of God, stopped tithing and other Christian services because of what you are going through? Am I talking to some one whose eyes are focused but on the heat of the problem, magnifying it, evangelizing it, weeping, or depressed? Praise the Lord, God has given me an assignment today to open your eyes through his word, stir up your faith and provoke expectation for your divine appointment. Am I talking to someone who receive servants of God , ensures their rest , see if they got shelter , give them the best of their animal , food , harvest or income ,serve them water , but yet seems to remain in stagnation ? .Oh Am I speaking to you that you give all you have for the things of God , take care of God’s servants , and even construct the house of God but , have no time to serve God personally , with a heart of devotion and have not been delivered or freed from that affliction? . The entrance of God’s word is bringing light to your heart; serve as a lamb to your feet and a light to your path for divine appointment in Jesus’ name. Amen Yeah this word may be reaching you, who have waited as a single for too long for marriage, or you may have been waiting for that job, or you may be in a situation where your home is apart and you have been waiting for the Lord to bring it back together. Yes are you in a situation right now where your fellowship, worship team, prayer ministry or Leadership is facing crises. Are you suffering from an affliction that has been for a long time and you have not been delivered after so much prayer? Yes like Abraham , Shadrack , Meshack and Abednego ,and like Paul and Silas in Jail and Peter in jail God sees and understand your situation , and as the Israelites he has heard your cry and has assigned me to bring you the word for your miracle . By your connection to this word, divine appointments will become so normal in your life that, before you know you would be leading others to their divine appointments. Acts 1:8 was an appointment, and in acts 2 from verse one we see how as the apostles kept the appointment they were baptized with the Holy Ghost. How about the transfiguration, Jesus had appointment with Peter, James and John and the result was an encounter with God. How about Zechariah who kept his appointment at the temple and had John the Baptist Birth announced by an angel. I see more than 200 brethren falling into alignment for their divine appointment with the Lord this month. Why you have remain in that frustration and stagnation for too long is because in the midst of the heat of your problem you seek solutions from yourself , from friends who won’t give you Godly counsel , from your tradition , culture and customs, from your uncles and other relatives , from science and the world in general . Even when you went to God for solution you were mixing the things up; diluting God’s truth with others from the world and yourself. Believing in God for solution and diluting the belief with beliefs from other sources different from God only helps you to miss out on appointment with God. Yes you may have been asking when will God deal with this and that situation in your life, but I come as an assigned oracle of God to show you the way to your divine appointments that will bring about answers to your requests. I’m used to seeing miracles and positioning people for their miracles, pray with them and see instant miracles in their Lives. When ever God gives a word to a people, he would reveal to his prophets what he and the people have to do for the word to come to pass, or through angelic visitations he would direct the people. The good news I have for you is that, this Prophetic package carries the divine revelation that will key you into divine appointments. By this time next month your hands are filled with testimonies and new things as you position yourself through the word to get an appointment with God. PROPHETIC MAP TO YOUR DIVINE APPOINTMENT (Booking for Divine Appointment) 1) Be born again (Believe and receive Jesus in your life): Being born again is the first key that qualifies you to come under the Abrahamic blessings (Gal 3:29). You will share in the same family of faith and connect to the place of divine appoint only after being born of God’s water and spirit ( John 3:1-5) 2) Have faith In God, as Abraham had complete faith in God: Read Rom. 4:18-21 and see how Abraham against hope, hoped in God that he may become father to many nations. No matter how much tears you shed, and how much you threaten God that you will compromise or you will stop worshiping him if he doesn’t answer you, you won’t get any answer. God answers only to faith and is moved only by it. See Heb. 11:6, it is clear that you can’t please God without faith. On the other hand you displease him without faith. Hear this, you may have been worshiping in church, singing in the choir, give all you have for the kingdom of God, but all this is waste without faith. Bible actually says anything done out of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23). And sin bible says is wickedness against God (Gen. 39:9, Heb. 8:12). I pray the spirit of faith upon you to stir up your faith in God in Jesus’ name. Amen. You can get only to the degree to which your faith operates. I see many of you enrolled already in the school of faith, and before the next word comes, you will be celebrating the results of your faith in Jesus’ name. Abraham knew the word concerning receiving strangers well. Next he understood the voice of God and his word that says we should serve the Lord and use our substance and even the best of them to worship him. 3) More to that he had knowledge that God is clothed in human beings and that angels could come in the likeness of men. He had an insight to the blessings that can be derived when he offers help to these messengers (servants of God) of God. Many today in the body have remained in stagnation even though they pray and do everything because that particular thing which God is waiting on them to receive through their man of God, they failed to receive. You freely, fully and permanently can receive the blessings of God from a servant of God if you support their ministry. Many want to only receive the blessing but tie their fist against the servant of God, not knowing God sees their hearts and can withhold response sometimes until they support His work which he has assigned the servant to do. Be whether you are a mother or sister to a man of God, there are blessings you won’t tap into through Him if you don’t support them. Abraham mobilized the whole family; got cakes prepared, killed a calf and himself was involved in preparation of food then offered a place to rest. No wonder God wasted no time to address the issue in Abraham’s life that needed rest. His main problem was child bearing. Today as you receive this word and act on it God will by himself call up the problem and miraculously solve it in Jesus’ name. Amen 4) Lift up your eyes (Gen 18:1-3): Where are your eyes, you cannot go further than what you see. Abraham learned to lift up his eyes when God asked him to look at the sky and counted the stars. His faith increased progressively as he learned to look up to the lord. What you see is what you will think and speak. What you think and speak is what you will do. Soon what you do becomes a habit and later it is your character and destiny. Can you for today go beyond what you see with your optical eyes to see with the eyes of God or eyes of faith? .I prophesy today as you lift up your eyes from that tribulation, those demons and that wickedness the enemy is carrying out in your life, you will be moving on to your place of divine appointment in Jesus’ name amen. Rom 12:1-3, when you mind is renewed you will see things different, speak different, act different and manifest different results. Jesus, this revelation is enough to release not only you but every one around you. Life and death lies in the power of the tongue. Consecration, separation and even some of the trials you are going through are permitted to force you to take off your eyes from the wrong place, to think the right way, speak the right words and to manifest a godly character. The character of Abraham (Hospitality is what keyed him into this appointment. Many keep their eyes on the decaying world and use their lives to measure with those they keep around them (Bad and ungodly company), and of course they end up in what they see. Many pray with an untransformed and unrenewed mind, so the prayers are faithless thus carry no results. Hahaha… This Divine appointment through the Prophecy will bring you a lasting solution to that Problem in Jesus’ name. Amen. 5) Give, serve and share generously and cheerfully: Giving your time and resources for the things of God with a complaining or grumbling heart is even worse than not giving. God uses our giving for the sake of the Kingdom to bless us (Luke 6:38). Many are tempted to see their giving as a way of sustaining the kingdom of God, but failed to see that they benefit most. God needs our cooperation to advance his kingdom, but without us he uses others still, why God remains God. Many withhold their tithes and offerings and resources from God and still call him Jehovah Jireh. Hahaha… No wonder many work and the devil claims all at the end. Others work, get the money but can’t enjoy it because it comes with sorrow. From today you will experience great increase in your finances and material possessions as you apply the right way of giving and serving in Jesus’ name . Amen. Abraham counted his giving to God and his messengers as a privilege. Imagine the President of your country has to receive a gift from you. What a privilege. We will give our best, seeing how important the president is, and how much we will be blessed even by the president doing that. How do you give to God? Is he your Lord and Savior? Do you give to him the same poor manner you give to people you under look or you feel you are superior to? We really have to repent! 6) After giving your all, give yourself: Hahaha you can’t give time for prayer, bible studies, money, care and other resources but your heart is far away from the Lord or his servants. Abraham after hurrying to serve them that they may not pass him by - stood with them as they ate, to keep them company and see that he attends to them till the end. Finally he even accompanied them as they left. Some of us are guilty of leaving our Pastors, Elders, and guests all alone along the way after initiating hospitality. If Abraham left earlier, he would not have been there when they called for Sarah to give her word .Some of us are not even there when God is coming for an appointment with us. HAHAHA I’m talking to you brother /sister who has been missing some days of Sunday services. How about you who rejects bible studies or discipleship school? I declare you will never miss your appointment from today in Jesus’ name. Amen 7) A heart to return the blessing or use it for the glory of God : Finally Abraham had a heart identified by God as one which will train his child and family in the way of the lord, so that God would bring his promise to pass. Hallelujah. Yea you are excited to receive prophecies and even this one. But may I ask you a question? What is the state of your heart now and what will be the sate of your heart after having all you want. Let me tell you no matter how long you have cried for that break through, if the lord sees that you will use it for the glory of the devil or that it will take you from him, you are wasting your time. God is not moved no matter how long you have suffered with a problem more than how much you are moved to take his position concerning life and whatever blessing you are asking. For example you are asking for a husband, are you sure you can be a wife that will do him only good? Yeah that’s why your marriage is delayed, or may be having trouble. Scriptures cannot be broken. On the other hand you are asking for a wife, are you sure you are ready to love her and lay your life for her as Christ did for the church? Yes you want more money, will your offerings and tithes for the things of God increase? Haven exercised all these keys, the Lord will not pass you by, and at the appointed time you will see your miracle in Jesus’ name. Do you know the appointed time is now? NKJ 2 Corinthians 6:1 we then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. 2 For He says: In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Hallelujah this is your time of divine appointment and encounters. What Divine Appointment Brings. Gen 18:14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. Divine appointment will bring about divine direction, divine encounters, deliverance, healings, answered prayers and diverse miracles .New things are brought to birth from the Lord. NKJ Genesis 21:1 And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. 2 For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him -- whom Sarah bore to him -- Isaac. Glory to God, someone is becoming pregnant with their miracle like Sarah. That miracle in your spiritual walk with God, that financial miracle, that marital miracle, that academic miracle is on the way in Jesus’ Name. Someone is already at the labor phase of bringing the miracle to birth. By this time; next day, next week, next month, next year, you will have your miracle in your hands in Jesus’ name. Amen. How Divine Appointments occur. -They manifest through angelic visitations as in Gen 18 - They Manifest through Dreams and Visions, like the angel came in a dream to give appointment for the Pregnancy and birth of Jesus. Luke 1:11 Joseph Saw a dream in which he saw stars bowing to him and later became a Prime minister at the appointed time -By Word encounter, for example the word being preached in a sermon or through meditation, you can be stirred up in your faith to believe God for an answered prayer within a particular time and when the time comes the word is fulfilled. - In service as people come for service. Abraham came to the place where he saw the angels in Gen 18. Whoever Believes is safe (John 3:16), when believed this word brings salvation. Mighty Men , We declare the grace of God come upon you right now, enable you and strengthen you to walk this word this month and see divine appointments and manifestations in your life in Jesus’ name. Amen We prophesy every power that has held you bound before now that you will not connect to divine appointments prophetically through these keys be broken and be consumed by fire in Jesus name. amen. We speak, be divinely connected. Be divinely connected. Be divinely connected in Jesus’ name. Amen. Prayer Points 1) Pray For revival hour, all our fellowships represented and the entire body. That God’s grace will enable us to connect through these keys to our divine appointment. 2) Pray that Like Sarah and Abraham, we will be patiently serving God till the time of our appointment comes. Pray we will all live to meet those appointments that lord has destined for us to bring us break through 3) Finally please pray fervently for The Vision bearer and leadership of revival Hour for God’s guidance, protection and provision for all it takes for them to serve him faithfully. In the same line pray same for the leaders of all our fellowships and leaders as well 4) Finally pray for long Life for all of us and our family members and loved ones. Remember Baby John Isaiah who is 7 months old and under Doctors’ care now. Pray against any spirit of death. Use Ps 118:17. Thanks for praying mighty men and God richly bless you and bring you into diverse Divine appointments in Jesus’ name amen. LOTS OF LOVE FROM US. The Revival Hour Team. In His Service, Ps, Mr. and Mrs. Che Joseph N. United Revival Ministries Int.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:21:35 +0000

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