PROPHETIC QUESTIONS PROPHETIC QUIZ "QUESTIONS THAT GOD HAS ASKED ME" By Moses Hightower (Continued) * You have found grace in my sight. Grace shall support you while wrong inflicts you during times of sincerity and prayer for your persecutors. Pour out your tears upon the altar, and I will create within you a new heart of love for others. Be broken upon this rock of conviction. The brokenness of your heart shall allow my purity to shine in you and then will you see me and desire my attitude and my love for those who treat you wrong. I died for my enemies. 400. What will you do for yours? 401. If you will not die for them, then why attempt to journey across the cold sea ahead without a renewal of your heart and your spirit? * Awaken out of sleep, and I will give you light. 402. Must the lashes of the enemy come against your back to awaken you unto the grace within your heart? * You should have drowned in the waters of trouble, which went over your head. It was not your own struggles that gave you strength to escape the belly of the floods of trouble, but it was my grace enabling you to wash upon the shores of life. Open your eyes and view the past scenes of tragedy where many lay dead in their trespasses and sins, yet you are alive today with an opportunity to praise the name of the God that kept you alive. 403. How many of your friends died in their sins while serving themselves and the gods of religion? * You survived the clutches of idolatry, and by grace, you came up out of the horrible pit of religion. By my grace, I brought you to the dry ground of the chief cornerstone. The rope of love did not leave you in the dark dungeon of despair while I rescued others, but I brought you along with others. I stretched my hand to some of your friends and they rejected my help. 404. Will you reject my offer of mercy after being delivered from such horrible blindness of heart? * Come and reason together with me, and I will show you of my easy yoke and my light burden again. Yoke yourself no longer with the strength of human reasoning, but yoke yourself with me and rest while I show you of an easier way. You have trusted in self and man too long. 405. You say that you have trusted in me, but have you really learned to trust in me as Paul trusted in me? * The acts of the world are mere distractions and entertainment for the fallen angels of the darkness. Do not be a character in their dramas of death. The prince of the power of the air works to include you in his amusement that you may be on the diet of death itself. Do not allow the trumpets of death to play taps for you, but tune your senses to the voice of the Lord. I shall descend with the voice of an archangel, and those who love my appearing shall hear my voice. 406. How will you love my appearing if you find my commandments grievous? * I have said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” Therefore, cease your search for success and fame, then will all the things that I desire to send you become yours by the hand of multiplication. Success in Christ Jesus is not obtained as success is awarded to the worshipers of the gods of the world. You will stumble in the day if your faith is in self and human ability. 407. Will you use human ability against principalities and powers of the regions of the darkness of this world? * Take unto yourself the whole armor of God. 408. How will you wear the armor of God without the undergarments of humility? 409. How will you wear outer garments of darkness and the armor of God also? 410. Will you wear the armor of God without casting off the outer works of darkness? 411. Who can eat at my table and the table of devils also? (To Be Continued)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 08:41:03 +0000

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