PROPHETIC TIMES Sitting here contemplating current events in - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC TIMES Sitting here contemplating current events in light of scriptural prophecy! We are seeing the fulfillment of so much of the major and minor prophets foretelling as well as prophecies Jesus uttered himself whom himself was the fulfillment of many prophecies. Which validates and solidifies the Judeo-Christian Bible in my mind as the true and living word of God. We see the rise of many whom have deemed themselves messiahs, here in my personal library I have a book entitled “ A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People “ which purports the rise of three Jewish False Messiahs in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Solomon Molkho, Shabbetai Zevi, and Jacob Frank all claim to be messiahs and divine all three were European Jews. We are seeing the stage set for such a person to rise again and call himself messiah and divine and will cause mankind to wonder after him and worship him as God. We see the Muslims who also believe in a coming imam which will also reign over all the earth with sharia law; hence: a false messiah. We see many so-called Christian denominations which have a “ anti “ substitute for Christ as the head of their religion and preach another gospel, hence: false messiahs. We have political leaders whom feel they are supreme in knowledge, wisdom, and intellect and have either an oligarchy, despotism, authoritarianism, or dictator style of government hence: a false messiah. I am amazed at the accuracy of biblical prophecy, I don’t have to watch any other prophecy program or subscribe to any one man’s brand of end time analysis of prophecy, all I have to do is read my bible in context skillfully dividing and discerning the word of God to know that I am living in the last of the last days. Current Events are expressing what I’ve been reading and studying for going on three decades. I comprehend the hour in which I am living and assess the urgency of the hour that demand that we become trumpets of warning, giving the clarion call to spiritual warfare! A call to fasting and praying, a call to boldness in proclamation, a courage to conquer. We stand in the valley of decision today; to either let our love grow cold because iniquity is abounding or to rekindle the fire of the Holy Ghost and engage the battle on every front. We must proclaim to those who walk in the alienation of carnality and speak the light of God’s word into their lives. We are living in the manifestation of prophetic times. We cannot afford to straddle the fence and carry on as if nothing is happening, we are in a warfare that has eternal casualties as the consequence of our negligence to fulfill the great commission, not everyone is called to pulpit ministry, but everyone is called to be a witness! God will anoint us if we are willing to put aside our pride and declare his word. Selah! Shalom, Agape, & Amen! D.R. Ritchie ( Emissary of the Faith )
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:34:10 +0000

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