PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “Resting in the Secret of the Light and Hidden from the Axe of Destruction While Giants Bow at Our Feet” By Moses Hightower These words came into my hearing, I have not given you a hope that fades away. I have given you a fadeless hope. The vision within you cannot perish. It is imperishable. It is eternal and given from the heavens. From the throne of grace it came. The vision of success is now within you. I placed it within you by my Spirit. Now as the resurrection was guaranteed, so is the fulfillment of the vision of success guaranteed. It shall not fail, neither shall it fade and be diminished by the onslaught of the enemies round about you. I have promised and I have sworn. Now know that it is impossible for me to lie. I cannot lie. I have lifted up a standard against the enemies that conspired to cause “crib death.” The gates of hell shall not prevail against the institution that I have begun. I have wrought a good work in you, and I will perform the good work that I started. I am the beginning and I am the ending. I am the Lord who does all things well. Do not fret yourself because of the evildoers of the age, but rather seek godliness and contentment. In godliness and contentment, you shall find the shelter of my grace and the hedge of refuge that cannot be broken into. I have hidden you in the cleft of my hand. No man can pluck you out of my hand. I have not relinquished you to the authorities of the night, neither have I sent you out to be slain by the enemies that wait to rejoice over your fall. I have placed a light within you and polished it that you might go and reprove the unfruitful works of the darkness. Send up praise this day and know that I have not left you alone to fight against foes greater than you. The giants that stand arrayed before you are mere decoys. I have already commanded each of them to bow before you at the appointed time. While the appointed time arrives with speed, offer praise unto the God of your salvation. I shall cause every enemy to bow, for my name is within you. You are called by the worthy name of salvation and glory. Wear this name and do not bring shame or reproach to this name of your hallowed Father. I have given you the family name and brought you into the Father’s house of prayer. Come away from the influences that seek to create a storm of worry and depression. Come again to the throne of grace and find the grace and the mercy to help you in this time of need. Come to the throne, and here at my throne that is held up by mercy you will find favor and peace. The axe of the critic has cut you. The blow of its vicious sting has cut with the sharpness of death. The impact of its blow has stunned you and created the numbness of insensitivity. Do not be faithless in this time of tremendous hurt and pain, but be full of faith and confidence. Know this always that I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. I have stretched forth my hand and brought you to the bosom of love. In love, have I reached for your failing heart and your grieving soul. I have leaned in your direction and heard your faint cry. With the voice of concern and the heart of compassion, have I acted for you and yours. Do not be distraught, neither allow disappointment to crush you with its big feet, but offer “the roll of praise,” and you shall escape the stamp of its feet (Disappointment’s feet). Look to the cleft before you. Draw nigh to the refuge that it offers. Run with the legs of the young ram and leap with the legs of a skilled dancer. The effect of praise shall bring you to the hollow of the cleft in my hand. The searching eyes of the darkness look from without the hand of mercy. Its peering eyes of wrath and destruction searches for you in vain. It peers through my fingers of love and looks within the light of truth. In vain it peers, for there is no possible comprehension of its secret. Only those who abide in this light of truth know the secret of its hedge. Rest in the secret of the light and be confident that the axe of destruction shall not find you here. Though the bearer of the axe seeks to wield a finishing blow, know of a truth that it shall not be swung. I have lifted up the standard of the light, and now the standard of the light is against the destroyer. Rest in the refuge of my standard. I have arisen to your defense and commanded with my voice of effective deliverance.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:22:30 +0000

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