PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “The Confirmation of Love Cancels the Flight from Condemnation” By Moses Hightower At this time, I was engaged in a tremendous war against condemnation. I had been slothful in business and failure invaded my heart like a warrior out of hell. During that war for my soul, the gracious Savior gave me this precious prophecy. The word below brought a new faith in God and a renewed trust in him and his love. While in prayer to him, I cried out in desperation. I wanted to run away from ministry, responsibility, and love. After crying out unto the Lord, these words came unto me in the Spirit... Condemnation will not give up its search for you. It is the enemys main weapon against you. Therefore, it will continually assault your mind with condemning expressions and ideals. The roots of faith cannot grow if you are constantly chased by condemnation. You must accept your justification, and not fear condemnation from the accuser. How will your roots of faith grow if you are constantly pulling them up from the soil of holiness and then temporarily planting them in the soil of human reasoning? Faith must have time to grow, lest it withers in the face of future attacks. Love is not afraid to express itself to you even though the spirit of flight is upon you. Do not flee the love of God because your accuser tempts you to doubt my promises to you. Faith has a sure lifestyle guaranteed by love. You can cast aside your lifestyle as a transient, if you cease listening to condemnation. Condemnation has caused you to be suspicious of every voice you hear. I have said, “Do not fear.” I have not given you the spirit of bondage again to fear. I have given you the spirit of power, the spirit of love, and the spirit of a sound mind. Faith must have a sound mind to ensure stability in all things. How will you be unchangeable if you are a fugitive from the love that works your faith? Love is part of your character. A false identity is necessary if you take flight from condemnation. I am not afraid of condemnation. I am the same always. You cannot change who you really are, so stand fast in the faith of Jesus Christ and confess your sins. Your character will remain the same and a need for disguising yourself will not be necessary in the presence of holiness and righteousness. You have spent too much time evading condemnation. Your time must be spent establishing relationships with the lost that they may know who you are. How will they know who you are if you masquerade as many identities, instead of living as a justified believer? I determine the guilt of an individual, not condemnation. The law is holy, just, pure, and good, but it could not justify you. Though condemnation uses the law to create guilt in your mind, I determine your guilt. If I have declared you not guilty, then who is it that will condemn you? Condemnations search for you is in vain. Condemnations efforts to condemn you are in vain. Condemnations tactics of destroying you shall not prevail. Be fully persuaded of your justification and then will you have peace. I have given you peace by my Spirit. In my Spirit you have a sanctuary and a refuge, not a trap. Though condemnation voices its threats and accusations, rest in the sanctuary of my love. You have entered into my sanctuary. Now rest. Unbelief will not allow the roots of faith to be secure. Joy can never flourish, unless you are rooted in love. You must be grounded in love. You must understand the security that is in me. How will you know security if you attempt to justify yourself? How will you know security if you attempt to clear yourself with self-righteousness? Security is only found in justification by faith. I have justified you. Now stand fast in the liberty wherewith I have made you free and do not be entangled in the net of condemnation again. Condemnation will drag its net every moment and catch you in it if you are not secure in faith. You must be fully persuaded and not persuaded by another. Love is working abundantly to create within you a greater security in faith. Give love a chance and love will show you that no one can condemn you. When you sin, I am not waiting to condemn you and to punish you. I am there awaiting your confession that I might forgive you and cleanse you of your sin. Understand me and you will understand my nature. I am love. What is love to you? Condemnations job is to catch you, convict you, and condemn you. Condemnation has passed its sentence, but condemnation cannot enforce its sentence. Do not be entangled in the web of accusations by the accuser that cannot be enforced. All the charges of the enemy are futile in the presence of love. You are in the presence of love. I am a jealous God, but my jealousy is a godly jealousy. Human jealousy is suspicious and unforgiving. Human jealousy builds a jail and a grave for its object of love. Human jealousy is self-justifying and unwilling to examine itself, yet freely condemning others on the basis of suspicion. The charges of human jealousy are filthy, corrupt, and deadly in its final stages. My jealousy is clean and life-supplying in all of its stages. I have wooed you to my sanctuary to establish a relationship with you. Condemnation has observed with envy. Condemnation wants you back that it might cause you to live in the cruel grave of jealousys lagoon. Behold the testimony of those entrapped by envy and condemnation. They have no testimony of victory, only a testimony of condemnation. They condemn others and blame everyone else for their lack of victory. Do not be entrapped by condemnation. I have freed you. Now testify of my goodness. Speak of my glory and talk of my power, not of the guilt of others, and then will your own tongue warrant you a ticket of freedom and not a net of defeat. Do not offer a withered testimony in the face of condemnation. Offer a good testimony before many witnesses and do not fear your accuser. Condemnation has a host of accusers. They go to and fro in the earth, seeking someone to devour. Though condemnation finds you, I am in you and with you. Hold fast to the faith of Jesus Christ and mouth a good profession. You are supported by love. You are driven by love. You are motivated by love. Now love will make its plea for you. Draw near to me and you will hear the plea of loves heart. The heartbeat of love is healthy and sound. Check the pulse of love and see that there is no illness within my love. Be steadfast and be confident of loves ability to free you from all charges. The environment of condemnation is a prison environment. It is full of evil imaginations and bondage. The environment of condemnation sends forth faulty information to your senses. You must look to love and faith, and then you will behold your clothing for this environment also. You are equipped to adapt to all the environments of the enemy, so be of good cheer, I have overcome the world and the accuser. I have overcome the accuser. You will only add more guilt to your life, if you continue to do things in your own strength. Look unto me, the author and the finisher of your faith. I have overcome the world. Your efforts weaken you, not strengthen you. When you are weakened by your own works, then you will be on the run from condemnation again. Continue looking to me, your justification. I am love and I have already confirmed your victory. Go back to my word and see that your flight is confirmed, and then you will not take a flight from condemnation. Love has a different flight and a different plan. The plan of love has not left the evidence of your guilt. The plan of love has left the evidence of your justification. Behold the cross and see the plan of love again. It testifies of your innocence forever. You have confessed your sins. Now believe the confirmation before your eyes. The plan of love has not failed. It has succeeded. Now rest and be assured of victory over these things. Love has not allowed condemnation to win in the halls of holy justice. The evil prosecuting attorney of the air has failed to condemn you before the judge of love. Your hope has not yielded shame. It has endured unto victory.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:09:27 +0000

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