PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “Those Who Know the Lord Will Hear His Voice and Will Not Follow the Voices of Error” By Moses Hightower These words came unto me, Pray daily for those who persecute you and say all manner of evil against you. The days are numbered for all who persecute you. You are a bearer of the living word. They wish to kill it. It will not die. There shall be weeping and great mourning among all who discriminate against you. Many have come under the power of darkness and are compelled by spirits to fight against you. I have sent you away to rest from the terror of their presence, but not from their voices. It is my voice that they are against. If they were of God, then they would hear you. They cannot understand your speech because they cannot hear my word. They have been given the spirit of slumber. I have poured out upon them the spirit of deep sleep. I have closed their eyes, and now shall they stagger as drunken men and women but not with strong drink. The wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. They have been given eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. Their own tables shall be a snare, a trap, a stumbling-block, and a recompense unto them. Their eyes are darkened and so are their hearts. They are full of lies and deceit. Many who follow them know that they are liars and deceivers but have no power to escape the spirit that has snared them. They will be no match for the spirit of deception in these last days because they refuse to follow after the spirit of truth now. All who will repent shall be given a fresh baptism of love. I will open the ears and the eyes of those who repent and cry out to be delivered. You feel betrayed. It is the truth that they have betrayed you. Some have walked away from precious gifts to follow after the spirit of error because of unbelief and fear. They love the praises of men more than the praises of God. They love their own lives, and now shall they lose their lives because they have sought to save them. I am living my life out in you. It is me that men are against and not you. Submit yourself totally to me, and you will behold the awesomeness of my demonstration through you. I am the Father who dwells within you. I have sought the true worshippers and I have found them. Continue to worship me in spirit and in truth. Decrease and I will increase in you. The scriptures are being fulfilled before their blinded eyes, yet they do not know that they are being fulfilled. Even today as you write, in their hearing the scriptures are being fulfilled. They are a rebellious house, which have eyes to see and do not see. They have ears to hear, and do not hear: for they are a rebellious house. Do not be ashamed of the living word that is in you, even in your heart and in your tongue. Though many reject you, those who hear my word and are appointed heirs of my kingdom shall follow the voice of the Lord. They will reject the voice of the stranger in the false leaders and those who despise prophecy. They shall come forth and make themselves known. Do not be afraid, you are living out the word of God in modern times. I have written the law in your heart. It is alive in you. I am the living Word, and I have reconciled myself unto you. Behold the miracles that I will work in you and those who follow in spirit and in truth. Unto you, it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. If I have written the law in your hearts, then know of a truth that out of the abundance of your hearts your mouth shall speak the word of God. Those who know me shall hear you. * PROPHETIC INSIGHT By Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA - Those Who Know the Lord Will Hear His Voice and Will Not Follow the Voices of Error God is exposing those who are phonies and charlatans in this hour. People everywhere are hungry and needy for a real word from the Lord. God will expose the false prophets of this hour just as he did for Elijah on Carmel. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then he will turn the hearts of the people back to him by the real prophets and the miracles that he does at their hands. False shepherds have only empty promises that never materialize. God will perform the word of his servants. We are the sheep of his pasture, and we will not listen to the voice of those who do not declare the heart of God. Reconciliation and restoration are the path of the power of God in this hour. If we hear any other voice except for the voice of love and forgiveness, then Calvary has ceased to speak in our ear.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:07:44 +0000

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