PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “The Assistance of the Resurrection and Ministering Angels” By Moses Hightower I heard these words in my hearing, Lift up your eyes from the pits of this world. I have not selected a pit for your abode. I have called you into my presence to abide with me before the throne of grace. An enemy has sown the seed of doubt in your midst. Do not cultivate this seed of distrust in me. I am faithful. I have promised, and I will perform. I have sent forth the mercies of David, and these mercies are sure. I have called you unto grace, not disgrace; therefore, lift up your eyes unto the harvest. Labor for this meat in the field of grace. There in the harvest field will you find the glory of the last days. I have sent forth more power that you might experience the glory of my promises. I have called you unto sufferings; therefore, do not glory in the things that the enemy desires to hear, but glory in the cross of redemption. I shall show you the power of the suffering of the cross. I have caused you to allow this expression that I might be glorified. Lift your eyes again to the power of the cross, and behold the power of my glorious gospel. Do not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation. I know that you believe the gospel. Now live in its power. This gospel and its power are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be ashamed of my name and me. Go and proclaim the power of my glorious name. It has you hidden from the things that have attacked your body. It has you hidden from the debts that have leaped from the shadows of doubt and unbelief. Do not give credibility to the wave of unbelief that has filled the land, but give praise unto the name that has already been glorified. Lift your eyes, and behold the blessings that are already in the barn of faith. I have called you blessed. Now nothing, no one, no spirit, no principality, no dominion, no person, and no adversary can call you cursed. I lift up one, and I bring down another. Be content in the place that I have set you. I have set you as a pillar in the church. Go forth in the power of the resurrection that carries you. The power of the resurrection is carrying you during this time of weariness; therefore, do not be weary in well doing. You are reaping more than you realize. Carry the harvest to the barn of fulfillment. When it is harvested by the angels that minister, then will you see what you have reaped. Angels have assisted you all the while. Behold their presence in your life in a manner that you have not seen. I am touching your eyes to behold the realness of angelic help in this time of spiritual wickedness against you and the body of Christ. Behold the power of the ministry of angels on your behalf. Go and preach the gospel. My word is already in your tongue, and the expression of the resurrection waits to deliver the people. Prepare for a wave of deliverance on behalf of my name. * Prophetic Insight by Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA - The Assistance of the Resurrection and Ministering Angels When Paul said that he desired to know him in the power of his resurrection, he was not expressing a void of resurrection power. Peter called it a lively hope. There are dimensions of ecstasy and joy that transcend ordinary joy folded in the dimensions of resurrection power. Elishas bones were so affected that a dead body touching them arose. When a person is even literally deathly sick, they have been known to rise up on their bed in the embrace of a special anointing and transcend states of consciousness beyond their normal healthy living. There is no power or circumstance that can divert the mighty rivers of the power of the resurrection in our lives. We are the ones who grieve, resist, and quench its liberating power. Promise and provisions of grace will abundantly bear fruit in the presence of the power of the resurrection just as Aarons rod did. Angels have appeared as morning stars and the captains of armies. They have ushered people out of cities and out of jails. Angels can and will be a tidal wave of help and victory if we will be aware of the power that we have been entrusted with to direct their actions. We are living in the time of the harvest of the end time. Every promise will be fulfilled, and the sweeping tide of the resurrection is at high tide right now. His Word will not fail, but it will be fulfilled in its season.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:12:21 +0000

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