PROPHETIC UTTERANCE PROPHECY: A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “Preach Love and Forgiveness in the Face of Hatred and Terrorism” By Moses Hightower These words came to me, Not everyone that says unto me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter into heaven. Many will come to me in the last day and say unto me, Didnt we cast out devils in your name? Didnt we prophesy in your name? Didnt we do many wonderful works in your name? Then I will say unto them, Depart from me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. How can you be of me, if you have abandoned my primary purpose for coming? I have come to seek and to save that which is lost. How many of the world religions have this purpose as their focus today? I have not sent people to kill in my name. They are deceived and have become instruments of Satan, who is a murderer, a thief, a destroyer, and the father of lies. I do not recruit children to commit murder. I use children as an example of the nature of my kingdom, not as tools of murder. There are no rewards for murders in heaven. The madness that sends people into hell, looking for compensation is a falsehood. This depravity of the mind incites people to acts of self-destruction. Who will reach these people with the truth? Are they beyond help? Is anything too hard for me? Who will be an example of the right attitude toward enemies? While teachers of hatred and terrorism are on the increase, where are the teachers of love? I have said, Love your enemies. Have you preached love instead of hatred? What spirit are you of if you teach hatred instead of love and forgiveness? Rise up and preach the message of love in the face of hatred. Because you are done wrong is no justification for revenge and abhorrence. Vengeance is mine. I will repay. You owe all men love. Now go, and pay your debt. There is no peace to those who seek peace without me, the Prince of Peace. When they shall say, Peace, peace, then sudden destruction shall come upon them as a woman in travail with child. The hour hand of time nears the end. What you are going to do, do it with all your might. Souls are perishing in this maze of confusion. Come from your tower of safety and religious exploits. Come and journey with me into the harvest field to reach the lost. While you broadcast one to another in the comfort of your sanctuaries, souls are perishing without me. Who will join me as I seek to save those who are lost? * PROPHETIC INSIGHT By Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA - Preach Love and Forgiveness in the Face of Hatred and Terrorism It has been said that loving our enemy is the fine art of drawing bigger circles. We have a way of drawing circles and putting certain people in them. We must erase the circles and realize that there is hope and forgiveness for every one of them. If Jesus continued to reach out for Judas, then we must continue to reach out, even in the face of harsh words and false charges. Hatred and anger abound in our world. God has not called us to fan their fires, but to allow the fires of love that the Holy Ghost has placed in our lives to burn brightly. Many waters cannot quench love or drown it. Floods of hatred may try to extinguish love, but it cannot unless we allow it. As we declare the love and forgiveness of the cross, every false claim and spirit of hatred has to recede into the darkness like some animal of prey in the night. As we work in a healing ministry of love, the Lord will be our defense and protector.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 00:52:51 +0000

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