PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2015 (PART 1) NOTE: WARNING 1. Am placing - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2015 (PART 1) NOTE: WARNING 1. Am placing this post here because I am led to. 2. This post is not for everyone, so if you think it does not concern you, ignore it. 3. Do not starts reading the post if you know you will not finish reading because there are prophetic actions you need to do towards the end to ensure that you 2015 is Powerful. 4. Every written here is subject to scriptures… 2015 is a powerful year of REST says the Lord. Remember after the Passover of the 14th day of the 1st month is when the Israelites entered rest from Slavery (Exo12:6). 2015 is not like any other year you have ever seen so it will take great understanding and Revelation to walk in 2015. 2015 will bring rest from sin, wickedness and evil oppression that have lingered for years for those who have understanding and take action. 2015 will be one of the most prophetic years that have ever been experienced by mankind. It will come with lots of strange happenings that human beings will not be able to interpret the events happening, except for those who are sensitive and those whom the Lord opens their understanding to see what the Lord is doing. Strange seals will be opening towards the end of 2014 and the results of these seal will be seen in the beginning of 2015(Rev5:2).Many burdens that My children have carried in the past will be broken and destroyed for those that take prophetic Actions. I shall be showing plenty of mercy in 2015 says the Lord strong and mighty and my people shall see my Grace like never before. What use to take many years to enter will be entered now in days. The secret place will be the most valued place in 2015. There is going to be a great difference between my children and the children of darkness. I will begin to do great separation in 2015 where I will be separating the sheep from the goats. There is going to great generational change and there is going to be great transfer of mantles in 2015 (2kings2:13). Demonic altars and Demonic powers will begin to fail seriously. Those that have gone to strange gods to get power and fame will begin to drop and they will continue to fall until the come to zero. • I shall judge the powers of Babylon in 2015 like never before.Rev18:3 • I shall judge the powers of Egypt in 2015 like never before. Ezek 29 Many that have been using manipulating powers to rise in leadership, government and politics will begin to fall. I shall be cleaning my house in 2015 and wickedness will to be judged seriously. I will show myself says the Lord, I will show forth my love and my kindness and many shall see the Revelation of my goodness and my miracle provision in 2015. Who is there that will pay attention to my words?? Who will listen to my instruction? Such people will find Honor and wisdom. Powerful judgment Angels shall be released in 2015 to judge wickedness and evil. Many new spiritual holy cities shall be built on the earth and Demonic Spiritual stronghold shall be broken and destroyed… The last Day of 2014 i.e. 31/12/14 is very prophetic; there are two things that are required of my children: 1. They should take the communion(Passover) 2. Sprinkle the Blood of Jesus in their houses, homes. (pray on water then sprinkle on ur doorpost)Exo 12:7, 1 john 5:8, Heb 12:24 2015 shall come like a two edged sword i.e. for either Blessing (for sensitive, obedient children) or destruction (for Stubborn, disobedient children). 2015 is a year you need to take responsibility for your spiritual life and take responsibility for everything that concerns your life. For those that take responsibility in 2015, they shall not struggle and they shall recover all that the enemy has stolen from them. Remember on the Passover day the Israelites took responsibility by killing the lamb and placing the blood on the door post of their houses. You can imagine what happened to the Israelites that refused to obey the word of the Lord. But there is going to be great struggles, deep distress, and great pain for those who have no Respect for God’s Word. The enemy shall be causing many pain in 2015 but it shall have no effect on my beloved wonderful children and darkness shall not be able to consume them rather they will frustrate the works of darkness and wickedness. The works of righteousness shall be on the rise and the works of evil shall be judged seriously. I am going to be teaching my children battle strategies that will confuse the kingdom of darkness like never before. 2015 is the year I shall be raising spiritual Joshua’s says the Lord and I shall be teaching them strategies that will subdue the kingdom of Darkness. I shall seriously take the territories the enemy has stolen from ages past. Business ideas will be dropping like rain in 2015 for those who will stay in my presence to get those ideas. For those who have struggled for years concerning getting jobs should rejoice because the Lord will settle you Himself if you will take my words seriously. Families that have labored, suffered, struggled should get ready for peace and a serious Release because I will show you how to break the chains of wickedness the enemy has placed in your life says the Lord strong and mighty. I shall be changing people’s jobs and I shall be making my children that have waited on me to get new jobs. (INSPIRED BY THE HOLY GHOST, WRITTEN BY EDWIN AJEH)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:51:58 +0000

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