PROPHETIC WORD OVER MEXICO BY DR JONATHAN DAVID ~ JUNE 2014 Mexico, return to God. Return to Destiny. This is an appointed time and season of God’s favor. It is time to return to the pathway of righteousness. God is extending His hand of mercy and kindness to the people of Mexico. In this season and time, God will remove the oppression and the violence in the streets so you will not become a nation plundered. Those who have plundered you will be scattered far from your boundaries. You will not sow and others reap your harvest. You will not labor and others take your spoil. Your heart shall rejoice because you will be rewarded for your labor. God is calling all the churches in Mexico to rise and take responsibility for the transformation of your nation. The church will become a new force to bring drastic change and permanent change in the society. The supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit will soon be coming on all the churches regardless of boundaries, regardless of denomination. God is going to bring a refreshing touch on His people. The time has come for the church to be renewed in new strength for this unique assignment to touch the society with the power of God. God will supernaturally manifest when you gather in His name. He will cut-off the oppression, and bring deliverance on the people. The Holy Spirit shall once again supernaturally manifest. He shall fill Mexico with a passion and a hunger for righteousness. This fresh outpouring of His Spirit will result in a deep fire and intense cleansing and supernatural power for healing. Many of God’s people will be supernaturally healed, the lame will walk, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the oppressed will go free. The awesome presence of God will bring healing in families. God will restore marriages and meaningful relationships. This refreshing will energize the church and cause the churches to synergize together. This is the only hope. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit will happen simultaneously in various places and same time. It will happen in the cities, it will happen in the villages. It will happen in the north, happen in the south, revealing that God is not a respecter of pastors, not a respecter of people but a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently. Large churches and small churches will see the same thing happen. God is about to break the dividing wall of denominations, and God will break the cultural barriers between the north and the south. The walls between the north and the south will be broken. One will not challenge the other. One will not fight the other. But they will stand together. They will not act as divided people. In unity they will stand. Many churches are going to connect together. They are going to relate with each other. Synergize with each other for national transformation. God is saying the sectarian attitude will give way. The working relationships among pastors and leaders in the first three and a half years and proceeding towards 2020 will see a new church trust. It will be deeply felt across Mexico. There will be a band of brothers, a network of churches, collaborating towards the national transformation. The church will rise beyond the walls, become salt of the earth and light in the city. There will be a strong prayer movement that will accompany this when the churches come together. The Holy Spirit will fall afresh and prayer will rise up. And the power to prevail, the grace to govern will be released all across Mexico. The poor will rise. The rich will be responsive and they will surrender their wealth and resources on national transformation. The judge in Mexico will once again be liberated and become set free from all the oppression of religion and idolatry. The Holy Spirit is creating an open door for ministry for the church to rise. This is the opportunate hour, this is the right time, don’t wait for another time. Don’t wait for another season. The church is about to lead the next generation of Mexicans and bring social-economic transformation. This rising of the church will become a phenomenon. They will be seen by other organizations and other NGO’s, and many will follow to enhance what is happening. Various corporations who, in the past, have been unjust in the way they have dealt with the people of Mexico, God will give them a change of heart and they will learn to give back to society. This reformation of the church will spearhead the transformation of nations. There will be a new rising of pastors, leaders and God’s people. They will put a pressure on the fabric of society for change. The emerging church will lead the revival into the streets. The church will be a forerunner and a proclaimer of a New Day. There is a breaking of a New Dawn for a new Mexico. Mexicans who have left the country will return. The dispersion of the Mexicans across the world will return with skills, resources, technology, to rebuild many ruined cities in Mexico. Much resources will flow back into Mexico from those who have been scattered abroad. The Voice of the Church and Kingdom values will be heard. The reformation in the church will create a revolution of values. It will not be a revolution that will shed blood. It is a revolution of values. The revolution of values will pierce the hearts of men. It will be stronger than the power of bullets and the power of the machete. God is saying this day to use the voice of the church. It will be light, it will be salt, influencing, impacting, imparting God-life, influencing the nations. God will raise up a whole new generation of strong leaders. They will become the voice and they’ll demand change. Many pastors will be given the opportunity to rise, and lead beyond the walls of their church. They become accepted leaders and elders of the city. This new phenomenon of reformation in the church will bring transformation. God is saying, “When My church will arise, violence will be removed, corruption will be removed, corrupt men will leave the streets. The people of Mexico will rejoice because it will be the people’s victory. They will be singing in the streets, there will be dancing in the rain.” This is the season that God will remove the reproach over the church. God will upgrade and update the church to become totally relevant. God will give her the keys of the Kingdom to set the captives free and open prison doors. Many of God’s people will be supernaturally blessed with His presence, with His resources, with favor. Even the wicked will begin to say, “God is in the midst of them!” Even the wicked will fear. The corrupt men will fear for the evil they used to do. Even drug cartels will begin to fear. Not because of punishment but because of the presence of God. Even the government of Mexico will have a drastic change of heart. For the first time they will consider the people first. And they will consider the people always. Ambitious and self-serving politicians will be sidelined, and a new breed of national transformers will be seen. Many businesses and corporations will draw support from corrupt candidates and they will return righteous men in the place of honor and power. God will spare Mexico from the chaos, from division, from the plunder of the wealthy. For the first time there will be equality, a fair distribution of wealth. The church will herald through righteousness. And this will be the order of governance in the years to come. The church will become the prophetic voice of hope, actively involved in nation building. The pastors of the churches, the Christians in the churches, will look beyond their walls and they will begin to see society as part of the congregation rather than live in isolation and in fear, they’ll begin to trust God to give them strength to bring change. The church will begin to lead the next generation of Mexicans into an era of prosperity, progress, and peace. The Holy Spirit will rain down His blessing in the nation. For the Lord would say this Word, “The wealth of nations will return for the rebuilding of a new Mexico. Many nations that plundered Mexico, they plundered the greatest resource, that is the people of Mexico. But now the nations will return, the wealth of other nations will return and they will come back to help rebuild this nation. They have plundered the people before but now they will return to touch this nation again.”
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 05:33:49 +0000

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