PROPHETIC WORD TO STEP OUT OF 2014 INTO 2015. What is behind you - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC WORD TO STEP OUT OF 2014 INTO 2015. What is behind you is not nearly as important as what lies in front of you. Everything you have been through in 2014 was preparation for where you are going in 2015. Those Disappointments, challenges, and failures were not meant to destroy you, they were meant to strengthen you, to build your character, to give you the fortitude to accomplish your god-given destiny. You may not understand why hard times hit you. But you have come too far to let setbacks stop you from stepping forward. Refused to stay stuck in the past. God has a plan with your name on it, a plan full of blessings, full of favor, full of victory. God will put it all together for you. I am going to cross over 2014 leaving behind pain, baggage, hurt, disoppointments etc. To take over 2015 with favor, increase, breakthru. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. Zechariah 9:12 Today, God promises to restore double for your trouble — “Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” If He declared it, He will do it! So you cannot but have hope that things will be even better than before. That is why in the same verse, He calls you “prisoners of hope”. My friend, hope in the biblical sense means a confident expectation of good things happening in your life. You are a prisoner of that! You can’t help but wake up feeling hopeful. You can’t help but expect good things to happen to you! Your obedience and faithfulness toward Me made room for My sovereign rule in your lives. You pleased Me and caressed Me and made My name great amongst My people. Yes, I remember how you held on to Me, you did not let Me out of your sight. You drank from Me; you feasted at My table and clothed yourself with My righteousness. There I saw how you, my child, became a son to Me. In the past I spoke to your forefathers through the prophets but in these days I am conversing directly with you, My son. To which of the angels did I say, You are My son, today I have become your Father? or I will be your Father, and you will be My son? Therefore My son, I am giving you prophetic insight in order: ▪ to provide vision and clarity for the way forward; ▪ to craft My people through responsible leadership and fathering; ▪ to provide My Church with an enhanced building perspective; ▪ to connect you with elders - wise master builders with the capacity to build City Church; ▪ to redefine and lay foundational principles that will cause hearts to reform; ▪ to broaden your horizon and establish covenental relationships with My sons, globally; ▪ to upgrade My people from a place of self-interest to a Christocentric location called a mature man. Im bringing acceleration to your journey so that you can have a fresh perspective of My doings; allowing you to take divine leaps into My agenda! It will be your obedience that will propel you, that will launch you right in the forefront of what I will be doing in the earth. Therefore, dont allow yourself to be distracted by small-minded people, who drank from contaminated waters and those who have been offended by My Word. Keep yourself pure and turn your back on manipulation, evildoers, slanderers and lovers of money! They are all like a thief in the night, who comes to steal, kill and destroy.. I have called you and also sent you, I am promising you that I will resource you when you advance My agenda. I have brought you through many difficulties and through many dangerous circumstances- yet, I have never put you to shame because you have made Me, your refuge and your fortress[Psalm 91:2]. Increase in faith, increase in trust, My son! I am moving you with speed and precision to the next phase of your journey. Therefore, it is important that you no longer see yourself as small or insignificant, as a needle in a haystack... because without faith it will be impossible to please Me[Hebrews 11:6]. Like Israel, you are required to follow the cloud and the pillar of fire- so that I can steer you to a divine location- a place called Christ! In this place I will provide you with resources that will result in fulfilment and maturity. Faith in Me is key! ▪ F- Forsaking ▪ A- All and ▪ I- Investing in ▪ T- Truth(Christ) ▪ H- Habitually(Consistently) Yes, progression and acceleration will take place when you Forsake All by Investing in Truth(Christ) Habitually! The Body of Christ must forsake her Babylonian ways in order for Me to propel her into a greater dimension of who I am. Concerning the nation of South Africa: I am about to take her through a time of cleansing. This is an initiation to bring her into womanhood. Purifying her, removing all corrupt elements, dismantling lustful desires that causes her to lose focus of My purpose. I am disciplining her because I need her to be a responsible nation in the global arena. I will be removing many leaders who have enriched themselves with the resources of My people. They have no longer the capacity to hear the cry of My people... They have become numb to the sorrows of My people. I must act to save this beautiful rainbow nation from this deadly disease because I will not stand back and watch this precious stone become a worthless treasure! I will again father My people, says the Lord. Let him who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:26:24 +0000

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