(PROPOSAL) NATIONAL BUDGET REFORM Eliminating Deficit - TopicsExpress


(PROPOSAL) NATIONAL BUDGET REFORM Eliminating Deficit Spending (Balancing the National Budget) and (Repaying the National Debit) COLLECTION AND REPORTING The Internal Revenue Service will Report to the Secretary of the Treasury the Total Gross National income during the past year was. FINANCIAL STATE OF THE UNION The United States Secretary of the Treasury will be the responsible agent for the execution of the National Budget and will be directly responsible for The Annual Federal Government Report. This report will become part of the Congressional Records disclosing the national income, collected through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the Total Funds Distribution, of the available National Funds. REPAYMENT OF NATIONAL DEBIT The Gross National Income reported by the IRS and the U.S. Treasury will be reduced by 10 percent. This amount will be used to repay the National Debit each year until paid off. Once the National Debit has been dissolved these funds, less 3 percent, will be returned to the Federal Government as part of the Gross National Income. The residual 3 percent will be held in accrual by the U.S. Treasury and become available only under a declaration of War to off set the cost of additional materials and manpower. The Adjusted Gross National Income will then be disbursed among all Federal Government Departments and Agencies and Legislative, Judicial and Congressional Offices based on the percentage as determined from the 10 year national expense spending averaging. DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONAL INCOME The United States Secretary of the Treasury will be responsible for carrying out the procedures and methods in determining the amount that each government Department and Agency will be authorized for expenses during the next Fiscal Year. These amounts are not arbitrate and will be an exact monitory amount that can not be exceeded, increased or decreased, by Congress or any other Government Agency including the Executive Office of The President of the United States. DETERMINING THE DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONAL INCOME To determine what percent of the collective national income will be received by each Government Office, Department, and Agency during the next year the U.S. Treasury will collect and compile and maintain Total End of Year Expense Records for all government expenses over the past 10 years. This data will be used to determine what percent, and portion of the National Income will Allocated to each government office based on a 10 year averaging. CONGRESSIONAL SPENDING FUNDS The Congress will receive an equitable percentage portion of the national income according to the 10 years averaging plan and be allowed to determine how the Total Congressional (Slush) Funds will be sent on individual and Special Projects with the Congressional Caucus. INCREASING NATIONAL REVENUES Congress can increase the Federal revenues in two ways; by increasing taxes or by increasing revenues, by increased tax paying employees. Increased tax means increased inflationary cost of living, not at all favorable by current taxpayers. A better solution is to provide legislation increasing employment and the nations tax payers. Companies must be encouraged to enhance employee productivity with new technological advancements to increase product output at lower cost per unit, rather than eliminating employee through automation. Keep people working, increase productivity through automation and technology. ACCRUAL OF END OF YEAR FUNDS All Government Agencies, Departments, Judicial, Legislative, and Congressional Offices will be authorized to withhold and Accrue Funds over a period of years for the express purpose of providing Earmarked funds for Special Projects and Purchases not normally obtainable during a single Fiscal Year. This will also provide an additional incentive for government departments and agencies not to spend frivolously on the last minute items just to keep from loosing that appropriation the next year. Each branch of the Federal Government will be responsible for its portion of the national income and how they in turn distribute it for their organizations activities. National Table of Contents Last modified 12 April 2000 Send comments or questions
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:43:40 +0000

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