PROPOSAL TO HOST A 2-DAY NATIONAL WORKSHOP THEME: STRENGTHENING CRIMINOLOGY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA INTRODUCTION The advent of Criminology as a course of study in Nigeria has ushered in a new hope for students, professional actors and all stakeholders in the security industry, law enforcement, judiciary, legislators, the executive, anti-graft agencies, financial institutions, government at local, state and international levels as well as the general public to learn, understand and make deliberate efforts towards curbing the prevalence and ubiquitous nature of crime in the society. Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime and criminality. Historically, no nation exists without crime and no nation promotes crime as well as criminality of any kind. Hence, this workshop is a timely event specially packaged; to produce the long-awaited result in the government’s pursuit to secure lives and property of every Nigerian citizen as one of their primary duties to the people who give them their mandates. It is against this background that the quest to organize a 2-day workshop which seeks to strengthen Criminology, Law Enforcement and Sustainable fight against Corruption in Nigeria is born. The attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Vision 2020 which aim at making Nigeria one of the world’s 20th healthiest economies by the year 2020 will no doubt, remain a mirage if no deliberate effort evolve from the side of government at all levels, private actors, researchers and general public to converge, discuss, understand and communicate crime phenomenon; and device proper means of dealing with crime and corruption in Nigeria. Thus, the need to promote this workshop and enthrone security discourse and sustainable fight against corruption can not be overemphasized. The concept of security is highly promoted by higher echelons of government because ‘Security’ has become an all-encompassing condition in which individual citizen lives in freedom, peace and safety, participate fully in the process of governance, enjoy the protection of fundamental rights, have access to resources and the basic necessities of life; and inhabit an environment which is not detrimental to their health and well-being.” Our series of research and wide consultation with experts in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and security studies have proved to us that the ongoing efforts of this present administration, under the watch of his Excellence Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GCFR) to transform the Nigerian police, security agencies and strengthen the judiciary cannot yield any fruit if the basic principle of Robert Peel, the founder of modern policing is not embraced. According to him, “Police at all times should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give fulltime attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of the community welfare and existence.” He further posited that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Hence, the need for the selected authorities and experts in the Criminology, Security, Criminal Justice Systems, Economic foundations and Leadership actors to convene and brainstorm on the best way forward to curb crime and promote peace, security, economic prosperity and social justice cannot be undermined! Therefore, strengthening the study of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Security Studies, promotion of good governance, transparency, economic growth and sustainable fight against corruption in Nigeria; Africa and beyond regional frontiers remain the focal point of this 2-day workshop. BACKGROUND OF THE WORKSHOP This 2-day workshop is an all- inclusive programme that is designed to accommodate the interest of: • the military (the Army, Navy & Air Force) in the ongoing sustainable fight against insurgency, terrorism, crime and external aggression and any threat to the sovereignty of Nigeria; • the law enforcement agencies (The police, courts, prison, custom, Civil Defence, Immigration, EFCC, ICPC, NDLEA. NAFDAC, SON, etc); • Government at all levels, local, sate, national and regional levels to abide by the laws of the land; • the Civil Society Organizations, labour unions, youth association, women groups, religious leaders, traditional leaders and the general public to adhere to good followership and imbibe the culture of non-violence in pressing for their fundamental rights and privileges from the government or corporate establishments. • Diplomats, foreign agencies and the various alms of the United Nations that promote peace, security and economic integration across the globe to promote mutual and cordial bilateral relations. PARTICIPANTS • The President and Commander-in -Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria- the No.1 Chief Security Officer of Nigeria. • All the 36 states’ Governors including the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). • All the Chairmen of the 774 Local Government Areas in Nigeria • All the Senators and members of the House of Representatives • The Chief of Army Staff • The Inspector- General of Police (active and retired) • The Chairman of EFCC, ICPC, INEC, etc • The Head of Civil Service Commission • All the Ambassadors of every country that has their office in Nigeria • Captains of industries • Religious leaders • Vice-Chancellors and all the Deans in the faulty of Arts and Social Sciences from all the Nigerian Universities (federal, state, and private) • Academicians • Scholars and students of Criminology, Penology, Law and Public Administration • Medical practioners • Religious leaders • Traditional leaders • Elder statesmen • Labour and Trade Unions • Media houses (print & electronic) • Civil Society Groups (NGOs & CBOs) • Women Development Associations • Student unions • General public GUEST SPEAKERS (proposed) Iwarime Jaja Professor of Criminology University of Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria Terrence P. McCulley U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Hon. Minister of Finance, FCT Abuja Prof. Abdul-Rasheed Yesuf Dean, School of Arts and Social Sciences National Open University of Nigeria Ibrahim Lamode Chairman, EFCC, Nigeria Dr. Igwe Dickson Senior Lecturer at National Open University of Nigeria Department of Criminology and Security Studies NOUN Headquarters, Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria Femi Falana (SAN) Former President, Nigerian Barr Association Human Rights Activist BENEFITS OF THE WORKSHOP The Workshop seeks to highlight the problems associated with criminological research, security of lives and property, law enforcement, anti-corruption crusades and promotes: • the studies, practice and professionalism in the field of criminology, security studies and management, law enforcement, justice delivery and criminal justice systems in Nigeria; • access to relevant study materials and first-hand information for students, researchers and professionals in the field of Criminology and Security Studies in Nigeria, Africa and across the globe; thereby enhancing the capacity of Nigerian Government to breed and invest in the life Criminologist and security experts in the nearest future; • the seriousness and the dogged determination of this present administration, under the able leadership of His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and his tireless team of democrats to uphold the culture of due process, transparency, accountability, zero-tolerance to crime and corruption and good governance in Nigeria; • It shall serve as the fulfillment of the promise of transformation agenda and “Fresh Air” by Mr. President during his assumption of office, when law and order turn out to be the order of the day; and socio-economic prosperity becomes our watchword. • The workshop shall set academic standards, social, political and legal framework, serve as a roadmap and as well as leave a visible blueprint for successive administrations to follow in enforcing law and order and delivering the dividends of democracy to the doorstep of every Nigerian citizen. SPONSORSHIP AND PARTNERSHIP Government (local, state and national) Corporate organisations Financial institutions NGOs Foreign donors Philanthropists Criminological Associations United Nations Organizations VENUE: Lagos/Abuja DATE: To be communicated soon All interested partners should call 07039034002 for more information.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 11:56:51 +0000

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