PROPOSED PROJECT: SAFE SANITATION FOR RURAL POOR In short we call it: SSFRP Through; RCC-Charfassion, Rotary club of Uttara,RI-3281 An Humanitarian Appeal .Total project cost ;US$ 80,000/ A. High Lights of the project: There are 3 essentials of health; a fundamental rights of people) 1.Water, 2.sanitation n 3.Hygiene We will be covering all 3 basic components of HEALTH; Water, sanitation and Hygiene B. Why needed intervention; unsafe sanitation, unprotected Hygiene and unsafe drinking water make sick people n lost morals to work as human being. It make people job loss due prolonged sickens and , die Without Medicare! C.Why should we consider it as an issue to be addressed by Rotary international; C.1. 3 (three) billion people is out of safe water n sanitation (half of humanity). C. 2. In 20 seconds I child dies, out of water born disease. And also lack of proper sanitation ( poor toilets). C.3 . out 10, I drink untreated water! d.What we do need to ;ensure the rights health ; safe water and toilets f rural poor D. How we will work /Action to be taken by following 3E methods; D.1.Engage-show solution; D.2.Educate-knowledge n technology: D.3.Empower-do for themselves. E. Impact of the SSFRP ; Entire community will be benefited of the project areas and together we can show changes! F. Project Components/coverage of population/ costing t; F.1.. 15 nos. Deep tubes to be installed in 15 communities; each community 1000 people Total coverage be 15000 individual. Cost per TW US $ 1000 Total 15000 us$. F.2. Toilets f each 5 /8 members (average family),Total 1000 toilets f 5000 to 8000 people. Cost per toilets US$ 65/X1000 Total; 65000 US$. G. Project Location; RCC-CHARFASSION, Bhola Islands District of Bangladesh (Rotary club of Uttara,Dhaka,RI-3281 Bangladesh) ; Charfassion is a upazilla widely known as disaster prone areas. There are many dotted islands. Mostly fishing communities- is a coastal region surrounded by The Meghna river and the Bay of Bengal ocean. It has over 1.1 million population n education percentage less than 22% H.Method of distribution/implement / other activities; H.1. Method of distribution/conduct survey: Through Base line survey/door t door visit, beneficiaries will be selected in close collaboration with Hon.Members of Uttara Rotary club/RCC –Charfassion/ RI-3281 .We will involve other clubs of near by n thus will sek cooperation n Collaboration with Rotary clubs, School/college committee/civil Societies/RCC with Governments Public Health Department etc; GOB;needed technical collaboration H.2. Community Involvement; train t maintain, mass awareness creation, undertaking, monitoring/follow and piloting field projects; we will practice;3E-Engage,Educate n Empower. H.3. For toilets each beneficiary family will contribute US dollar 5/00 as their participation cost. 1.MAIN FOCUS: ACCESS T SAFE Hygiene ( water, sanitation primary health care) .Our rights; ensure safe water /sanitation f poor n change lives! J. Experience f taking such project; Yes we have already installed 3 deep tube wells, , 2 cluster toilets provided f schools n 37 safe sanitation toilets are being provided through RCC –Charfassion in collaboration of Rotary clubs Denmark, Rotary club of uttara n RI-3281. K. Project duration; 2 years f the date of staring/ including Reporting t donors
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:42:17 +0000

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