PROSPECTIVE APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN JUDICIAL VACANCIES-Republicans defended the proposal and Democrats opposed it THIS AMENDMENT WILL BE ON THE BALLOT- BE PREPARED AND VOTE YES IT WILL BE BALLOT # 3 The proposed constitutional amendment, SJR 1188 PLEASE IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS COUNTRY AND ITS FUTURE, WISH TO RESTORE AMERICA VOTE YES FOR THIS AMENDMENT AND PLEASE LIKE, SHARE AND PLEASE ASK YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO KEEP THIS GOING UNTIL ELECTIONS! IF ANYONE READING THIS KNOWS HOW WOULD YOU PLEASE HAVE THIS REPEATED EVERYDAY ON THEIR FACEBOOK, TWITTER, WHAT EVER ACCOUNT AND ASK EVERYONE TO SHARE, SHARE, SHARE AND LETS GET THE WORD OUT WITH THE INTERNET. Reference: Article V, Sections 10, 11 Summary: View Full Text (pdf) Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution requiring the Governor to prospectively fill vacancies in a judicial office to which election for retention applies resulting from the justice’s or judge’s reaching the mandatory retirement age or failure to qualify for a retention election; and allowing prospective appointments if a justice or judge is not retained at an election. Currently, the Governor may not fill an expected vacancy until the current justice’s or judge’s term expires. Related Links: Track Bill: 1188 Sponsor: The Florida Legislature Status: Active Made Ballot: 05/09/2014 Ballot Number: 3 Election Year: 2014 House approves constitutional amendment to let next gov pack the court Florida legislators took the final step to put an amendment on the November ballot Wednesday that asks voters to decide whether to give Florida’s governor new powers to make prospective appointments to the state Supreme Court. The proposed constitutional amendment, SJR 1188, was approved by a 74-45 partisan vote in the Florida House following its Senate passage. The amendment will be the third one on the ballot and must be approved by at least 60 percent of voters on Election Day to become law. Republicans defended the proposal and Democrats opposed it since it means that the next governor will have the power to pick three of the seven justices because of a fluke of timing that requires three of them to retire on the same day the next governor’s term ends, on Jan. 8, 2019. Unlike every recent election year in the last decade, this is the first time legislators have placed only one amendment on the ballot. Justices are required to retire at age 70, but can continue to serve on the bench until the end of their six-year term. Justices R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince — the court’s liberal wing — will all turn 70 some time during the next governor’s term, and their six-year terms will all end on the same day the new governor is inaugurated. Read more here: miamiherald.typepad/nakedpolitics/2014/04/house-approves-constitutional-amendment-to-let-next-gov-pack-the-court.html#storylink=cpy
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:42:45 +0000

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