PROTECT WORKING FAMILIES is AN AMERICAN ISSUE SENATORS, PLEASE DEFEAT $1.1 TRILLION GOVERNMENT SPENDING BILL ******************* WHATS WRONG WITH AMENDING the DODD-FRANK WALL STREET REFORM LAW? (1) WALL STREET INVESTS, MAKES MONEY, THEY KEEP IT. THEY LOSE, TAXPAYERS BAIL THEM OUT. (2) Allocate 60% percent of our national budget to the military, No audits, no accountability, no disclosure. This will take place AT THE EXPENSE OF collapsed infrastructure, unaffordable childcare costs, astronomical college cost (3) Worker pension protection will be removed IMAGINE! OUR HARD EARNED PENSIONS CUT BY 30-50 percent WHEN WE NEED IT THE MOST - THROUGHOUT RETIREMENT!!!!!!! ************** This is not about partisanship. This is about fairness. This is about accountability and responsibility. This is about preventing another financial collapse that could again wipe out millions of jobs and take down our whole economy. If big Wall Street banks want to gamble with their own money, so be it. Let them take their risks – with their own money – and let them live with the consequences of those risks. That’s how markets are supposed to work. But they shouldnt get to gamble with government money, and they shouldnt get to run to the government if the deal goes sour. Opposition to government bailouts of Wall Street is not a liberal or a conservative issue. - Senator Elizabeth Warren ******************* NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO TO WALL STREET! NO TO GREED! NO TO ILLEGAL BEHAVIORS! NO TO CORRUPT LEGISLATORS! SPREAD THE WORD! SHARE VIDEO!!! OUR KIDS DESERVE BETTER! WE DESERVE BETTER! THANKS friends! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D THANK YOU Friends of Bernie Sanders! THANK YOU MSNBC! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:32:03 +0000

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