PROTEIN SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO OLDER DOGS? MYTH OR REALITY? Conventional pet food makers claim that senior dogs are better fed lower protein, higher carbohydrate foods. The belief that senior dogs need less protein is FALSE. Senior dogs should be fed a diet that is high in protein, with low carbohydrates and moderate amounts of fat. Too little fat leaves your dog feeling hungry all the time, which can make it harder for them to lose weight. Diets formulated on a low protein premise are full of fiber, have higher levels of carbohydrates and reduced amounts of protein and fat. This results in dogs that are less satisfied causing them to appear hungry and beg for more food. These ingredients lead to the loss of coat and skin quality and they do not lead to any weight loss. More recent studies show that it is harmful to restrict protein in senior dogs, and that high quality proteins are needed for our older pets. Protein restriction for healthy older dogs is not only unnecessary, it can be detrimental. Protein requirements actually increase by about 50% in older dogs, while their energy requirements tend to decrease. When insufficient protein is provided, it can aggravate the age-associated loss of lean body mass and may contribute to earlier mortality.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:25:34 +0000

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