PROUD MOM MOMENT! A few years ago, Noah was homeschooled for - TopicsExpress


PROUD MOM MOMENT! A few years ago, Noah was homeschooled for several reasons, mainly his Tourettes and OCD. He started 7th grade in public school and started playing football, he loves sports. But his doctors had to remove him from school because simply walking through the doors would cause an extreme panic attack. He remained homebound for 7th grade and some of 8th grade. Therapists and psychs have said he has severe OCD, moderate Tourettes and rehabilitation through therapy was going to be intense, sad, painful and frustrating. Because the patient has to want it. You and I cant comprehend these things, we think, its a crack...step on the damn thing. Theres 14 steps, not 13...who cares. Theres a crowd of ppl at the mall or grocery store, get over it. Lol, if it were ONLY that easy. He has gone weeks before, only leaving the house for doctor visits or forced by us to DO YOUR ERP WORK! Exposure response therapy, meaning do what scares you the absolute most everyday, several times a day. Imagine laying down and letting snakes crawl on you or whatever youre scared of. But for him, it was leaving his room, or the house, or sleeping under a sheet. So...those fears lead to rituals. Oh if I jump 14 times just right, I can leave the house. IMAGINE LIVING LIKE THAT! Guess what...hes eccentric, funny, SMART, and the kindest soul youll ever meet. Defying everything that was told to us. He attends high school with 3200 other children, he plays basketball with strangers, wants a job and has never failed a class at Boyd High School in McKinney. He has a 504 plan to assist him on the days hes stressed and thats what these programs are for and Im so glad they exist. He couldnt careless if he tics, hell warn you right off the bat...I do this or this, I have Tourettes and then he will laugh. My kid is a fighter. HE has done the work in therapy, not me or ANYONE else. I share this with you friends because I love you all for all your support over these tough years and Im sure Ill need to lean on you again sometime. But right baby is doing gooooood. Dont ever give up. Dont let ppl tell you its hopeless. :)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:23:42 +0000

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