PROVERBS 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is - TopicsExpress


PROVERBS 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Niggers are a rare species, they are the by-product of slavery, molded and fashion by the hands of their WHITE creators to do their bidding. See after 400 years of dehumanization and self degradation the sons and daughters of former slave masters nolonger have to belittle Niggers, because Niggers take a tremendous amount of pride in degrading and devaluing themselves. It humors me when I see niggers boast about their EUROPEAN CARS that they are leasing or financed for a high ass A.P.R. thats annual percentage rate genius or that big house financed for thirty years. PROVERBS 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Listen my NIGGER, after all that youve accomplished in your particular industry SPORTS, HOLLYWOOD,MUSIC, DRUG, PUBLISHING the vast majority of you NIGGERS are still POWERLESS. In actuality you are nothing more than MORDERN DAY SHARECROPPERS. See, after slavery ended the southern plantation owners were faced with a two fold dilemma. The slavemasters didnt have anyone to work his land and his X - Slaves didnt have any where to go after having their freedom granted. So, the crafty slavemaster devised a plan to let the slaves stay on his land and work for a percentage of the annual crops, SHARECROPPING! As a result, Master invested their profits into the plantations GENERAL MILL, a place where he would extend CREDIT to his former slaves. The freed slaves willingly purchased their former masters overpriced items. However, at the end of harvest season when the crops were bundled and weighed to be sold. The vast majority of slaves were in debt and didnt share in the profits. Thus, forcing them to work a another season which resulted in more debt, a vicious cycle. See, niggers boast about their European automobiles, but truth is your $100,000 whip get it SLAVE WHIP? DEPRECIATES by 40% as soon as you seal the deal and drive it off the car lot. After, the 72 months of car payments if and when you ever get clear title to your horse, its only worth a fraction of its original price. BAD INVESTMENT. Nigger you are a SLAVE. Those of us who are enlightened to the adversed psychological mindset that you inherited as a result of your conditioning, find you niggers amusing when you brag and boast about getting on your level. If you are not making power moves to EMPOWER YOU AND YOURS you are a slave. Really, you take pride in exploiting other niggers out of their money, then you run and take the money right back to Massah. So, who is really the Boss? Do you own your publishing rights. Did you re-invest you advance into other profitable business ventures? Does your prestige transcend the boundaries of street lit or the chitlin circuit, The chitlin circuit was a welcoming venue for negro singers to perform during the Jim Crow era. See, you spent the advance to front in your new whip or to flex that new time piece. However, the difference between me and you is, I dont spend my money, I invest, reinvest my money into things that will produce more money. FREE MAN ALPHONSO FREEMAN , get it? WIth all due respect, I love the Black People but I dont EFF with niggers period. So all of you KINGS, QUEENS, CEOS, BOSS of BOSSES,PUBLISHING GURUs empower yourselves. Trust me its truly liberatng, no pun intended. Own YOUR SHIT....Presently HOLLYHOOD may not be worth hundreds or millions of dollars, But I own my novels, scripts, camera equipment and Im financing my own Business venture and more importantly I dont owe anybody a single got damn cent. :-) So, when I do get to the round table with the BOSSES and I will, I ll be negotiating from a position of EMPOWERMENT. https://youtube/watch?v=y5RFBLZV-B4
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:00:56 +0000

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