"PRP Regenerates Tendons & Ligaments Tendons connect the muscle - TopicsExpress


"PRP Regenerates Tendons & Ligaments Tendons connect the muscle to the bone making it possible for you to do many everyday physical activities. Overuse or damage to the tendon over a long period of time causes the collagen fibers in the tendons to form small tears, a condition called tendonosis. Damage to tendons most often occurs in the knees, ankles, hips, spine, elbows, shoulders, and wrists. Ligaments are composed of collagen fibers that hold one bone to another, stabilizing the joint and controlling the range of motion. When a ligament is damaged, it is no longer able to support the bones in the joint, which often leads to pain symptoms. Tendons and ligaments have a poor blood supply making it difficult to heal from damage. Combined with the stress of day-to-day activities tendons and ligaments become inefficient causing degeneration of the joint which leads to chronic pain and weakness.. PRP is considered especially helpful in these cases of overuse, degeneration and poor blood supply. How Does PRP Therapy Work? To prepare PRP, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins and through a multi-functional process separates the plasma from the blood producing the PRP. This increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors. When PRP is injected into the damaged area it stimulates the tendon or ligament causing mild inflammation that triggers the healing cascade. As a result new collagen begins to develop. As this collagen matures it begins to shrink causing the tightening and strengthening of the tendons and ligaments of the damaged area. . How Does PRP Compare With Cortisone Shots? Studies have shown that cortisone injections may actually weaken tissue. Cortisone shots may provide temporary relief and stop inflammation, but do not provide long term healing. PRP therapy is healing and strengthening these tendons and ligaments and in some cases thickening the tissue up to 40%. Treatment Plan PRP injections with guided ultrasound can be performed on tendons and ligaments all over the body. Acute and chronic sports related injuries are of special interest in the use of PRP. Degenerative joints can also be treated with PRP. Frequency Of Treatments While responses to treatment vary, most people will require 1 to 3 injections of PRP. Each treatment is spaced 3 to 6 weeks apart. What Can Be Treated? Platelet Rich Plasma injections are being utilized in an assortment of musculoskeletal injuries both acute and chronic. They are especially useful in chronic overuse injuries such as lateral and medial epicondylitis (tennis and golfer’s elbow), plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis, patella tendinitis, as well as numerous other entheseopathies. They are also being found useful in more acute injuries such as muscle strains and ligament sprains. If you have a musculoskeletal injury that has not responded to traditional treatments such as rest, ice, physical therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications PRP is something to consider with your physician. What Are The Potential Benefits? Patients can see a significant improvement in symptoms as well as a remarkable return of function. This may eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments such as long-term medication or surgery. Special Instructions You are restricted from the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs_ one week prior to the procedure and throughout the course of treatments. Initially the procedure may cause some localized soreness and discomfort. Most patients only require some extra strength acetaminophen to help with the pain. Ice and heat may be applied to the area as needed. How Soon Can I Go Back Regular Activities? PRP therapy helps regenerate tendons and ligaments but it is not a quick fix. This therapy is stimulating the growth of new tissue requiring time and rehabilitation. Patients will begin an modified exercise program immediately following the first procedure. During the treatment program most people are able to resume normal activities." site.fagansportsmedicine/2013/01/31/prp-platelet-rich-plasma/
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 21:42:50 +0000

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