PReach it...PREAch IT...PREACH IT!!! There are only one of two - TopicsExpress


PReach it...PREAch IT...PREACH IT!!! There are only one of two things that can wake up this modern, Laodicean Church: (1) An absolute radical repentance from this cheap grace, that has reduced salvation and discipleship to dollar store, five and dime harlotry. A total reformation, revolution and repentance from the teaching and false teachers who have propagated this costs you nothing satanic plagiarism that has reduced Christianity to have about as much effectiveness as a spiders web does in catching a meteorite. They have reduced Christ and His Apostles teaching to a self-help program; that helps you to remain in your sin. This false gospel teaches there is in fact, NO Great Treasure hidden in the field. Therefore, there is no need to give up all that you have in order to obtain it. (Matthew 13:44) This false gospel promises everything but requires NOTHING. What cost Christ everything... costs them nothing. This false gospel is made up of waterless clouds, grumblers, malcontents following their sinful desires, mists driven by the wind, sacrifice-less, hopeless, destitute and holds as much biblical stability and eternal promise as climbing to the moon on a rope made of sand. (Jude 1:8-16) This false gospel CHOOSES to never hear from God. Because they hate what He says in His Word. They have a much better gospel than the one taught in scriptures and throughout Church History. This false gospel is the leprechaun with his fools gold at the end of the rainbow. Full of empty promises, based on empty fairy tales spun by Spirit-less empty people; devoid of God. A false gospel is no gospel at all. It must be forsaken from the pulpits to the pews if this church is to see ANY personal revival. For this church to have any chance at all, in avoiding the strong delusion of the coming Antiichrist, with his mark of the beast and his forced conversion of Chrislam-Catholicism; a waking up process must begin NOW. Its no longer permissible (not that it ever was) and time does NOT permit, for us to be dancing around the tulips singing He loves me, He loves me as we meddle and tinker about in besetting sins. The behavior of modern Laodicea, in all of her loving-lukewarm backslideness has blinded her from having ANY discernment WHATSOEVER. This behavior could very well hold the consequence of blindly, under a self-inflicted delusion, taking the mark of the beast. They do not have any love for the truth... Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (2)The only other way that I see any hope for a change in the spiritual climate, is for a fierce, full-blown, horrifying persecution on True Christianity. This will also effect everyone...from the pulpits to the pews. It will instantly sift the wheat, separating them from the tares, the hirelings from the shepherds and the goats from the sheep. The adherents to cheap grace harlotry will instantly scatter. If they wouldnt sacrifice anything for Christ when under peace, they certainly wont under persecution. If they wouldnt part with their sinful life before; they certainly wont part with their physical life now. A persecution will immediately separate the true from the false. The original climate, that Christianity was bred, born and flourished in, will have been reinstated. And this living form of radical, in your face Christ-Following Discipleship, that is punishable by death, will cause a contagious, domino-like, snowball effect. No longer will Christianity be merely a book full of doctrines, dogma and loopholes to help you remain in your sin. In this climate, shoe leather will be required...the rubber will either meet the road or be rolled in the ditch. In this climate Christianity would be a living, vibrant and fire-breathing force, that has its adherents standing in line to forsake their sin AND be executed. Standing in line for martyrdom, in the sense, that they dont care what people, governments, family, Chrislam-Catholicism, laws or anybody else says in relation to their Christ. They MUST and will serve Him who is worthy of all sacrifice, glory and praise...even if that means their physical execution. They MUST sacrifice and forsake all for the One who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. They not only praise Him with their lips; but with their blood. THIS is True Discipleship. THIS is True Christianity. When words become blood. When apathy becomes passion. When devotion becomes death and death becomes life. When sin is utterly forsaken. When how little is this gonna cost me becomes is my life ALL that I can there not MORE than I can give than JUST my mortal life?!? Take my head...itll roll from my shoulders because it bows to Christ! Torture me unto death...but you can never touch my soul! True Christianity doesnt look for ways to spare and save its own life. It doesnt look for loopholes to see how close it can get to hell, but still go to heaven. It doesnt look to see how much it can get while giving as little as possible. True Christianity forsakes all BUT Christ. Modern Christianity forsakes ALL OF Christ. True Christianity dies to and forsakes its sin. Modern Christianity retains and lives in its sin. What True Christianity gives up to obtain the treasure... Modern Christianity holds onto, AS the treasure. True Christianity executes and puts to death sin. Modern Christianity will be executed and put to death BY sin. Modern lukewarm, laodicean, false gospel, cheap grace and harlot stylized-Christianity must die. And the only way its gonna die (before God destroys it) is eradicating it from you and I. We must allow what is True to destroy what is False, by allowing The Light to expel the darkness. If every person in this country who claims to be saved actually lived Christ for even one day, a mass revival beyond recognition would erupt. It would put this present darkness and apostasy to shame. While I dont hope for a coming persecution, I do see that Gods hands are tied by our apathy and refusal to humble ourselves and submit under his mighty hand. And to repent of our exceedingly sinful, sinfulness in regard to our love of sin. A persecution would cause the True Disciples of Christ to stand out in contrast against wickedness that isnt happening under our current lax circumstances. And it would cause a desperately needed inspiration to the lukewarm folks, to stand up and live for Christ, to count the cost and forsake ALL. If we wont live in True, Biblical, Apostolic Christianity under peace...we probably wont do it under persecution either. So lets start this snowball effect NOW. It only takes one match to start a furious, raging fire. Will you be that match? Will you be the spark that God desperately needs in this generation? This isnt a formula or method...its a call to return; to what True Christianity really is. To what its always been. Weve only lost it along the way. To go forward, we must go back. And in going back, we will set this world ablaze; and one way or another;lose our very lives in the process...just the way it was always meant to be. Luke 17:32-33- Remember Lots wife. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. Luke 9:24-25- And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses and forfeits his very soul? ~ Crucified Beyond The Narrow Gate
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 01:15:05 +0000

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