PS4 oddness. Last night I was playing entwined and it started - TopicsExpress


PS4 oddness. Last night I was playing entwined and it started beeping like it was loading/ejecting a disk. As there is a rhythm element to the game and the beeps were sort of in time I thought the dev had accessed the system beeper. Unconventional but you know. Not out of the realm of possibility. But after I went to bed there was more beeps... I came back to the living room and it stopped..... I noticed the disk was ejected so I removed it and stood there cultivating the notion that the PS4 was getting clingy and wanted me in the room with it. Ok fast forward to morning, see me go to work, go to lunch, buy yet more LEGO and then back to work before heading home for LEGO construction, spagboll and MLP season 1 on Bluray. But the ps4 refused to take the disk (and no it wasnt it making a comment on my viewing choice as every few seconds the mechanism was trying to dry heave a disk it didnt have.... Quick forum trawl and the solution seemed connected to the manual eject system. Slide the HD cover off and you get access to a screw. Well its not actually a screw but a screw head driven gear that drives the eject mechanism (so you can crank the disk out manually ) a quick swizzle of this and what ever was bunching the BD drives panties had been cleared and I could continue my cartoon viewing.... The forums said this could be a regular thing so colour me mildly concerned...
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:22:27 +0000

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