PSA: NOTES ON INTEGRITY Always guard your dignity. Always protect - TopicsExpress


PSA: NOTES ON INTEGRITY Always guard your dignity. Always protect your integrity!People may listen to what you say, but they will never forget what they see you do. You can talk all you want about your beliefs, your principles, and your priorities… but when it comes right down to it, always remember this: “By your deeds shall you be known.” “Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our own deeds.”~ Miguel de Cervantes Honor your commitments with integrity.---Les Brown Integrity means making sure that your words and your actions are one in the same.“The integrity of the upright guides them”~ Proverbs 11:3 Having integrity means that your actions reflect your values.It means holding to your convictions, and living by your principles…It means that your words and your deeds match up.“Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.”~ Paul Wellstone Your principles are not what you say they are… They are what your actions say they are.“You have to live by your principles.”~ Eddie Robinson “A person of integrity insists on doing what is right at all times.For a man to have integrity means that he is truthful in all things,that he can be trusted, and that his word is his bond.”~ Major W. H. Margerum, Jr. ~ The Integrity Rules ~ 1. Always do the right thing: Always do what is right, always do what is responsible, and always do what is respectable. 2. Always be genuine: Be who you say that you are. Be transparent. Be forthright. Make your words and your deeds match up. 3. Always be yourself: Respect yourself. Be true to yourself. Live by your principles. Be consistent in who you are and in what you believe in, live according to your priorities, and always be true to your values. 4. Always be responsible: Make good decisions, put yourself in good situations, and act appropriately at all times. Do what you’re supposed to do; be where you’re supposed to be; be on-time, and do what is expected of you when you get there. 5. Always be accountable: Take ownership of your decisions and your actions, and be answerable for their consequences at all times. Assume responsibility for your mistakes, do not blame others; do not make excuses or complain; know when to apologize; know when to grant forgiveness—both to yourself and to others. 6. Always be reliable and dependable: Do what you say you are going to do, and be where you say you are going to be. 7. Always be in control of yourself: Control your emotions, control your compulsions, control your desires, control your behaviors, control your habits, and control your life. 8. Always be honest: Tell the truth at all times, and in its entirety. Be honest with others and be honest with yourself. Be true with others, be true with yourself, and be true with the words you speak. Do not withhold the truth, and do not attempt to stretch it. The truth shall set you free, so long as you respect it. 9. Always be humble: Humility is the ability to see yourself in the correct perspective: to see yourself as you really are, not in the way you think you are. Put your personal bias aside, and examine yourself objectively—be able to see yourself for who you really are, both your strengths and weaknesses. 10. Always be respectful: Be respectful to others, be considerate of others, and be civil toward others. Do not make disparaging or hurtful remarks, refrain from gossiping about others; speak all the good you know of others, and speak none of the bad. Give credit where credit is due; praise when appropriate and deserved. Speak ill of no one. 11. Always keep your word: Be true to your word. Keep your promises. Do what you say you are going to do. Value your good name. 12. Always honor your commitments: Do right by others. Fulfill your obligations. Carry out your responsibilities. Follow through on all that you do. Finish what you start.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 06:26:56 +0000

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