PSA from Mark to any of my friends who are currently unaware of - TopicsExpress


PSA from Mark to any of my friends who are currently unaware of this, because the more I read, the more I feel like this is explicitly being ignored in the system: Jury Nullification. This is a real thing. This is a real power that you, as a juror if ever you are called, have. This allows you, under any circumstance that you and your fellow jurors agree on, to simply nullify a law that you feel is unjust or incorrectly applied. Period. I dont care if you see footage of said law being broken, if the individual brought before you acted in a way that you feel was just, regardless of the law, you can acquit them of charges. If you act thusly, the prosecution is not able to appeal this, your verdict stands. Please remember this. Please. The lives of our fellow citizens rest on remembering this in an age where law enforcement becomes an even more twisted and heinous caricature of what it should be. This applies in any and every case you may ever be asked to be party to as a juror. Period. If each and every one of you remember nothing else, remember this, I ask only that of you.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 20:28:52 +0000

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