PSALM 25 SUMMARY OF BIBLE STUDY Chapter 25 Those who - TopicsExpress


PSALM 25 SUMMARY OF BIBLE STUDY Chapter 25 Those who put their trust in Jesus will never be put to shame. There will always be occurrences that threaten to bring us to shame, but when we look up to God, He is able to deliver us. Even when it looks like we have been brought to shame, somehow God removes the shame because He uses that reproach to lift us up. We may be afraid of shame and disgrace but Jesus chose to go through it for us, so that we would not have to go through it therefore, the enemy cannot use it to make us fear or compromise. Even if we face shame our reproach is not a big deal after all what the world calls shame and disgrace is what God used to lift Christ up and He can use it to bring out the best in us. What the enemy meant for evil, God is able to use for our good. All the battles David faced only made his faith in God stronger. It was his experiences that built up His confidence in God. Beyond what we see there is a solution. Do we look at the problem or do we fix our eyes on God who has all the answers. It is what we see that forms our thoughts and our thoughts form our confessions and our confessions determine our actions. God is the only constant in our lives. That situation will change so instead of focusing on it let us be the person that fears God, whose eye is always on Him, then He will show us the way to go. Like David, we should always ask for Gods mercy and for direction so that we can live according to His standards and not according to mans. We should ask God to teach us His ways because Gods ways are not the ways of the world. Before you can operate in faith you have to hear God concerning that situation. When you have a word from God you can pray in faith because God has said it. Faith begins where the will of God is known. The fear of God is revering Him and holding Him in high esteem or honor. Honor is action based, it cannot be given by lip service. It should show in our day to day actions. God shares His secrets with those who fear Him and practice His presence. When we dwell in His presence His nature becomes our nature. The more time we spend with God, the more we behave like Him and hear Him when He speaks to us. Uprightness is being morally correct, just and honest. Integrity of character is simply put, being who you say you are (Selah - stop and think about it). We have a part to play in our relationship with God; we have a responsibility to show integrity to God and to our fellow man. The fear of God comes from a place of love, it is out of love for God that we obey Him. When we get too familiar with the word of God we dont get the depth of its riches. We should set our minds to acknowledge God in every area of our lives. No matter how insignificant or inconsequential it may seem, every favor we receive is a blessing from God and we should acknowledge them as such. David had made God his role model and wanted to do everything to please Him. Who is our role model? If we make the pastor our role model then there is the tendency that we will fall where he falls. But if like David we make God our role model then we have the perfect example to follow. We cannot judge others as we too commit unintentional sins. We must watch the way we react when others offend us. We have no right to hold any sin against them as we ourselves are beneficiaries of mercy. David asked for Gods guidance. We tend to ask God for solutions and instant ones at that but in guiding us through His word God is like a teacher who gives His pupils principles to apply to get the solutions. Instead of outright answers, God would rather guide us through every situation to ensure our spiritual growth. It is in the way God chooses for you that you will find prosperity and an inheritance for your children. God is our only hope and He always answers when we call. When we face challenges, whether or not things are going the way we want, we need to know that God orchestrates our lives and will cause everything to fall in the right place. Our prayers should be a discussion between Father and son. Unlike the servant who fears his master because of what he can do to him, we fear God because we do not want to displease Him. The word of God should be real and personal to us. David appealed to the nature of God. Our human love is conditional but Gods love is faithful and unconditional. In the midst of a multitude of people when God is not there, we are all alone. David desired Gods attention. We are created with hearts that yearn for Him. One of the dictionary definitions of the word Treacherous is : Characterized by faithlessness.... We should be careful to never be Gods enemy. We shouldnt do things like oppressing the poor just because we can. We should show mercy and chastise in love. God bless you anointed.women@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:02:04 +0000

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