PST. AIAH BRIMA GIVES UP THE GHOST. FCC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING OFFICER: HOUNDED TO DEATH Pst. Aiah Brima passed away 4am this Sunday morning at Annex, Connaught, after a prolonged, inexplicable illness. My heart goes to his grieving wife Esther and son. A close comrade has fallen to the sword of wicked persecutors, ruthless prosecutors, vicious politicians bankrupt of conscience, integrity or goodwill for the public they claim to serve. Aiah has paid the ultimate prize for simply being honest and uncompromising, very rare qualities today. Aiah would not hurt a fly. A quiet, determined, dedicated worker. He feared God, served his Church so well he was just recently ordained by Apostle Akintayo Sam-Jolly as Pastor at Living Word of Faith. Aiah was easily one of my most trusted, competent and reliable Department heads. As the Freetown City Council’s Development Planning Officer, Aiah was the fulcrum, the pivot of the over 8m. Euro EU-funded Freetown Development Plan Project. His quiet accomplishments are numerous and commendable. If any staff deserves a civic funeral, Aiah Brima qualifies. He started his long career as a market keeper, went to University and worked his way to head the most critical Depts in Council. He continued the work of his father who also served the Council for many years. Freetown, yea Sierra Leone has lost one of its most promising public servants, cut off at the prime of his service life by the dark forces of greed, bent on forcing through their own nefarious agenda. Convicted on a baseless ACC indictment of misappropriating Le9.8million allowances to Councillors, in spite of the absence of a complaint from any Councillor, or despite testimony by a leading Councillor that the money was indeed disbursed to them. His appeal is still pending, 11 months after judgement. Aiah’s patience for vindication has run out, he could no longer wait for human justice. He has appealed to ‘Caesar’, to the Supreme Judge in the Courts above. There at least his case will be swiftly heard, his vindication established, and judgement on his persecutors will not tarry. May God’s all-sufficient grace keep your dear wife and son. RIP Comrade Aiah. Till that joyful and victorious reunion. C.A. (Sympathizers can call 077325648)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 07:13:56 +0000

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