PSYCHOPATHY WITHIN THE FINANCIAL CRIMINAL (Fraud Prevention for Consumers/Business Owners/Corporate Executives/Lawyers & College Students) *Please Read and Share with Your FB Friends & Colleagues* The financial criminal’s abilities to establish personalities within themselves to cover up their realistic characteristics of power and control, attention, greed etc. has become challenging to uncover by their victims, employers, co-workers, and fraud examiners. There unique ability to “blend in” to social groups and corporate environments has created red flags of proactive financial (financial fraud prevention standards) misappropriation standards in reducing the probability of a financial crime. There constant surveying of potential victims is like an adrenaline rush in establishing a challenge for themselves to succeed in creative ways on taking your money. One proactive deterrent approach for financial fraud prevention techniques is the understanding of the financial criminal. Behavioral psychology when applied to these types of crimes can contribute in deterring potential financial misappropriation. Listed below are basic principles to assist on your own self-policing standards relating to financial criminals: 1) Financial criminals can’t resist on just committing one financial misappropriation. When a fraudster is successful, they will eventually continue their behaviors to feed their hunger of greed. 2) When greed sets in with fraudsters, their hunger for a better challenge on committing a larger fraud increases the next time. 3) Financial misappropriations are meant to be hidden so you have to look for it (applying your own self-policing standards) or you’ll never know it until it’s too late. 4) Over the years, financial criminals where just slapped on the wrists in our Judicial System. When the cases of Enron & Worldcom were exposed to the public, professionals in our Judicial System as well as Politicians realized the importance of applying stricter financial fraud prevention protocols to reduce what those two cases caused with respect to economic & financial damages to our industries and citizens. Continuous proactive financial fraud prevention techniques is required in the fight against financial misappropriations. 5) Humans are creatures of habits. Financial criminals learn from past mistakes before making futuristic decisions on taking your money. In other words, fraudsters “test the waters” on potential victims to assess which victims are potential targets and which are smart enough to self-police themselves to leave alone. 6) Another unique ability by financial criminals is they keep their families close to their hearts (assuming the fraudster is married and/or has kids), but their victims even closer. Why? Because after “test the waters” on which victims are probable candidates, their skills to blend into their victim’s lives begins thus the financial criminal’s hunger for attention is established and the opportunity to feed on power & control upon the victim(s) has started. Unfortunately, financial crimes do not receive enough media attention to contribute in ways for society to “self educate” themselves in reducing the probability on becoming a victim of a financial crime. But, their are plenty of professionals across the country who see this trend and are contributing in ways to educate our society regarding this type of crime. Financial crimes can cause damage to citizens as well as economic damage in our society. Self-Policing knowledge and awareness is one step we can take to protect ourselves from becoming a victim of a financial crime. Your abilities to think outside the box and be creative in protecting your money is one of many ways you can deter potential financial misappropriations. Friends, your safety, the security of your assets, and protecting your money is all about working and thinking smarter, not harder. And as always, knowledge is power, I’ll give you the POWER! About the Author: Ronald F. Worst - Criminologist (Safety-Security Expert & Fraud Examiner) has over 20 years of experience in private practice. In addition, he is a Noted Speaker, Educator, Consultant, and Expert Witness. Follow Him on Twitter @SecurityExpert_ LinkedIn, and Facebook Group: Ronald F. Worst - Criminologist
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:45:05 +0000

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