[PTI Press Statement - June 18, 2014] Central Information - TopicsExpress


[PTI Press Statement - June 18, 2014] Central Information Secretary PTI, Shireen Mazari, today reiterated PTIs opposition to US drone strikes which are illegal. Under international law, including international humanitarian law, and a violation of Pakistans sovereignty. She said it appeared as if they are now being done with the complicity of the PMLN government which is shameful. Mazari demanded the Prime Minister explain why there had been no statement from his government demanding the US stop the drone attacks. The Foreign Office had issued its usual meaningless statement to the effect that they have a negative impact on regional stability. Mazari said the governments total lack of concern for the innocent civilians of FATA was reflected in their casual attitude towards drone killings as well as failure to have a proper humanitarian structure in place to receive the massive flow of IDPs from NWA. Keeping the KP government in the dark on the military operation despite the fact that KP would have to and now is bearing the brunt of the fallout of this operation on all fronts. The military operation started before proper evacuation of the civilian population which reflects the callousness of the PMLN government. Even worse is the continuing inability of the federal government to provide proper support infrastructure for the outflow of IDPs. Mazari said the PMs casual approach to the military operation is reflected in his departure for yet another foreign jaunt a day after the operation commenced. PTI Information Secretary demanded the government ensure the US halts its drone strikes as these also damage the ongoing military operation in NWA. PTI had opposed drone strikes on principle from the start and continues to oppose their use today. That is why it took action to stop NATO supplies as a means of halting drone strikes and that worked. Drone strikes ended but the PMLN government failed to follow up and ensure a permanent end to these illegal strikes.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 04:56:07 +0000

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