PTI-led coalition yet to cut Governor’s House - TopicsExpress


PTI-led coalition yet to cut Governor’s House expenditures Governor, staff to spend over Rs427m during current fiscal Riaz Khan Daudzai PESHAWAR: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI)-led four-party coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa seems to have no plan to cut the expenditures of Governor’s House, Governor and his staff that during the first four months of the current financial year have spent over Rs100 million. The budget documents of the provincial government out-and-out negate the pledges of PTI leaders who during their electioneering and afterward kept vehemently advocating slashing the expenditures of the Governor’s House, governor and his staff besides converting the palatial Governor’s House into a Ladies Park for the recreation-starved womenfolk in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The documents show that the provincial government has allocated Rs427.16 million (427,165,000) for the expenditures of the Governor’s House, governor, his staff salaries, petrol charges, special allowances, vehicles charges and many other heads during the current financial year. The Governor’s House during the first four months of the current financial year has consumed Rs 100.89 million (100,898,492) of the provincial government allocated budget while it still has the balance of Rs 326.266 million (32,266,508) to spend during the remaining months of the financial year 2013-14. It is also evident from the documents that major chunks of these allocations are spent on the salaries, allowances, special allowances, medical allowances of military secretary, his staff, house hold staff of governor, his state conveyance and motor cars charges, salaries of secretariat staff and their honoraria, etc. The government has set aside an amount of Rs63 million (63199,000) in 2013-14 budget for the expenditures on account of salaries, allowances, etc of the military secretary to the governor and his staff. The military secretary to governor and his staff have so far spent Rs 16.4 million (16,425,316) of the amount while they still have a tally of Rs 46.7 million (46,773,684) to spend during the current financial year. The Governor’s House will also consume Rs26.4 million on the salaries of house hold staff, state conveyance of motor cars of the governor and in the last four months over Rs 6.7 million (6,737,736) has been exhausted in this head while an amount of Rs19.74 million (19,745,264) is still laying in the kitty of the provincial government to be spent in this head in the remaining months of the financial year. The Governor’s secretariat staff has also an allocation or Rs55.89 million (55891000) the salaries, allowances, special allowances, medical allowances, etc and it has spent Rs9.20 million (9,201,848) in the last four months while secretariat staff will spent another Rs46.68 (46,689,152) over the next the eight months of the fiscal year. However, the document shows that Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak has not yet approved Rs 11.94 million (11,942,700) as honoraria for both the Governor’s House household and secretariat staff, military secretary and his staff. The provincial government initially allocated Rs1.46 million (1,463,000) for military secretary and his staff, an amount of Rs 1.47 million (1,479,700) for the household staff at Governor’s House and Rs 9.00 million (9,000,000) for the Governor’s secretariat staff as honoraria, but later the chief minister turned down the summary for the same and the amount remains unconsumed with the Finance Department. Provincial Information Minister and spokesman of the provincial government Shah Farman when contacted offered no comment on the policy of the coalition viz-a-viz the curtailment of allocations for the Governor’s House and its conversion into a Ladies Park.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 09:22:33 +0000

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