PTI, stand up and deliver Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader and - TopicsExpress


PTI, stand up and deliver Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader and newly elected Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak got a wake-up call when the Federal Board Of Revenue records depicted him a man who had not paid taxes in years 2011 and 2012 despite having sizeable income. He may well have taken the benefit from the tax exemption the previous government has given to the victims of the flood-hit area of the KPK. The incumbent Chief Minister, who hails from a respectable family, does not qualifies for such exemption as he hardly lost any thing in the natural calamity rather his income recorded a steep rise during the prescribed period. Thus skipping the tax is not justified, and it has left a bad taste in the mouth on the onset of the regime that many hoped will purge the corruption-plagued province, ensuring strict implementation of merit in all walks of life. His party, in the election run-up, had promised to focus on the stability of the provincial institutions, eradicating irregularities and nepotism in the province. With the iron will that the PTI had, nothing should deter its government from implementing its agenda. Of course, the protection of the people’s lives is on its top priority, the new KPK government has declared to minimize police check-posts along the main roads. The step may well reduce the grievances of the general public but it can also leave the field open for terrorists moving around escort free. The Police department warrants a total revamping to raise the security of the people, failing which the reduction in check posts can prove counter-productive. Infrastructure in the department of the health and education is in an extremely bad shape; provision of healthcare at the government hospitals and education in the government schools is absolutely non-existent. To ensure a change that the PTI trumpeted the most, its government should introduce a merit-based policy and appoint capable, efficient, dedicated and honest persons at the top official posts, doing away with those who are firmly seated in the offices over the years because of their influential background, and the concept of serving the general masses is alien to them. The Khattak government has decided to set up complaint cells. In the last regime, the PML-N too did the same that hardly paid any dividends to the masses rather it proved a publicity stunt. Thus the PTI too needs to be a little careful. The key to success lies in practicable measures having an automated check and balance mechanism in the system, the cosmetic surgery is not going to do any wonder, the people of the province have already enough of it. The economy of the province is in a shambles; unemployment has attained an agonizing proportion. For economic turn-around, the PTI government should hold a thorough probe into debacle of Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate to kick start the process of industrialization in the province afresh. Last but not the least it is welcome sign that the veteran journalist Shuakat Yousafzai is going to hold the provincial information ministry, hopefully his elevation will help grow a close liaison between the Government and the independent Press wherein the two will work together in the greater interest of the people who have set a perfect platform for the PTI to stand up and deliver.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 05:52:03 +0000

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